BlogDict : D

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aka free glossary database
which you can use in few cool ways
including word definition lookup, as free
website content [ remote query form ]
and dictionary add-on / plugin for Internet
Explorer™ giving you ability to highlight
and define any word or phrase from any page
[ viewed in IE™ ].
Dry-beat Dry-boned dry-bulb
dry-clean dry-cleaned dry-dock
Dry-eyed Dry-fisted dry-gulching
dry-nurse Dry-plate dry-rot
Dry-rub Dry-rubbed Dry-rubbing
Dry-shod Dry-stone Dryad
Dryadella Dryades Dryandra
Dryas dryasdust Dryden
Dryden%2C drydock Dryer
dryest Dryfland Dryfoot
Dryfork drygoods Dryhill
Drying dryland Dryly
Drymarchon Drymis Drymoglossum
Drymoica Drynaria Dryness
Drynurse Dryobalanops Dryobates
Dryobstes dryopithecine Dryopithecus
Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris drypis
drypoint Drysalter Drysaltery
Dryth DS ds0
ds1 ds1c ds1e1
ds2 ds3 ds3e3
dsa dsap dsat
dsbam dsc dsd
dsdc dsdl dsdm

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