BlogDict : 0

is English dictionary
aka free glossary database
which you can use in few cool ways
including word definition lookup, as free
website content [ remote query form ]
and dictionary add-on / plugin for Internet
Explorer™ giving you ability to highlight
and define any word or phrase from any page
[ viewed in IE™ ].
0 00-database-info 00-database-long
00-database-short 00-database-url 00-gcide-long
00-gcide-short 00-gcide-url 00-web1913-info
00601 00602 00603
00604 00606 00610
00612 00616 00617
00622 00623 00624
00627 00631 00637
00638 00641 00646
00647 00650 00652
00653 00656 00659
00660 00662 00664
00667 00669 00670
00674 00676 00677
00678 00680 00682
00683 00685 00687
00688 00690 00692
00693 00698 00703
00704 00705 00707
00714 00715 00716
00717 00718 00719
00720 00723 00725
00728 00729 00730
00731 00735 00736

0 - 72 out of 2530

Character list: - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

List of all "0" pages: 0-1  0-2  0-3  0-4  0-5  0-6  0-7  0-8  0-9  0-10  0-11  0-12  0-13  0-14  0-15  0-16  0-17  0-18  0-19  0-20  0-21  0-22  0-23  0-24  0-25  0-26  0-27  0-28  0-29  0-30  0-31  0-32  0-33  0-34  0-35  0-36 

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