BlogDict : D

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which you can use in few cool ways
including word definition lookup, as free
website content [ remote query form ]
and dictionary add-on / plugin for Internet
Explorer™ giving you ability to highlight
and define any word or phrase from any page
[ viewed in IE™ ].
Detonization Detonize Detonized
Detonizing Detorsion Detort
Detorted Detorting Detortion
Detour detox detoxicate
detoxification detoxified detoxify
Detract Detracted Detracter
Detracting Detractingly Detraction
Detractious Detractive Detractiveness
Detractor Detractory Detractress
Detrain detransitivise detransitivize
Detrect detribalisation detribalise
detribalization detribalize Detriment
Detrimental detrimentally Detrimentalness
Detrital Detrite Detrition
Detritus Detroit Detroit%2C
Detrude Detruded Detruding
Detruncate Detruncated Detruncating
Detruncation Detrusion Detrusive
Dette Detteles Detumescence
Detur Deturb Deturbate
Deturbation Deturn Deturpate
Deturpation detusk Deuce
deuce-ace Deuced Deucedly
Deuel Deuel%2C deuna

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