BlogDict : X

is English dictionary
aka free glossary database
which you can use in few cool ways
including word definition lookup, as free
website content [ remote query form ]
and dictionary add-on / plugin for Internet
Explorer™ giving you ability to highlight
and define any word or phrase from any page
[ viewed in IE™ ].
xnscp xnsidp xnsitp
xoff xon xonxoff
xopen XOR xot
XP xpc xpercase
xpg xpg3 xpgr3
xpl xpm xpop
xpp xpress xps
xpsb xref xremote
xrip xrn xrt
xsb xscheme xscm
xsd xsdt xsi
xsl xslfo xslt
xsmd XT XTC
xterm xti xtm
xtp xtran xui
xuidl xul xuma
xv xvga xvi
xview xvii xviii
xvt xwindows xwip
xx xxgdb xxi
xxii xxiii xxiv
xxix xxv xxvi
xxvii xxviii xxx
xxxi xxxii xxxiii

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List of all "X" pages: X-1  X-2  X-3  X-4  X-5  X-6  X-7 

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