BlogDict : O

is English dictionary
aka free glossary database
which you can use in few cool ways
including word definition lookup, as free
website content [ remote query form ]
and dictionary add-on / plugin for Internet
Explorer™ giving you ability to highlight
and define any word or phrase from any page
[ viewed in IE™ ].
outdrawn Outdream outdrew
Outdrink Outdure Outdwell
Outdweller Outer outercourse
Outerly Outermost outerwear
Outface Outfaced Outfacing
Outfall outfangthef Outfawn
Outfeast Outfeat OUTFI
outfield outfielder outfight
Outfit outfitted Outfitter
outfitting Outflank Outflatter
Outflew Outfling Outflow
outflowing Outflown Outfly
Outflying Outfool Outfoot
Outform outfought outfox
Outfrown outgassed outgasses
outgassing Outgate Outgaze
Outgeneral Outgeneraled Outgeneraling
Outgeneralled Outgeneralling Outgive
Outgo Outgoer Outgoes
Outgoing Outgone Outgrew
Outground Outgrow Outgrowing
Outgrown Outgrowth Outguard
outguess Outgush Outhaul
Outhees Outher Outhire

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