BlogDict : L

is English dictionary
aka free glossary database
which you can use in few cool ways
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website content [ remote query form ]
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Explorer™ giving you ability to highlight
and define any word or phrase from any page
[ viewed in IE™ ].
life-sized life-style life-support
life-sustaining life-threatening Life-weary
Lifeblood Lifeboat lifecycle
Lifeful lifeguard Lifehold
Lifeless Lifelessly Lifelessness
Lifelike Lifelikeness lifeline
Lifelong Lifely Lifemate
Lifen lifer lifesaver
lifesaving lifesize Lifesome
Lifesomeness lifespan Lifespring
Lifestring lifestyle Lifetable
Lifetime lifework lifia
Liflode LIFO Lift
Liftable Lifted Lifter
Lifting liftman liftoff
Lig Ligament Ligamental
Ligamentous ligamentum Ligan
ligand ligase Ligate
Ligation Ligator Ligature
Lige Ligeance ligeancy
ligement liger Ligge
ligger Light Light-armed
light-blue Light-boat light-colored
light-coloured light-duty light-emitting

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