Reprehensible definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Reprehensible \Rep`re*hen"si*ble\ (-h?n"s?-b'l), a. [L.
     reprehensibilis: cf. F. r['e]pr['e]hensible.]
     Worthy of reprehension; culpable; censurable; blamable. --
     {Rep`re*hen"si*ble*ness}, n. -- {Rep`re*hen"si*bly}, adv.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure; "a criminal
             waste of talent"; "a deplorable act of violence";
             "adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a
             wife" [syn: {condemnable}, {criminal}, {deplorable}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  113 Moby Thesaurus words for "reprehensible":
     abominable, accusable, amiss, arraignable, arrant, at fault,
     atrocious, awful, bad, base, beastly, beneath contempt, black,
     blamable, blameful, blameworthy, brutal, censurable, chargeable,
     contemptible, criminal, culpable, damnable, dark, deplorable,
     despicable, detestable, dire, disgraceful, disgusting, dreadful,
     egregious, enormous, evil, execrable, faulty, fetid, filthy,
     flagitious, flagrant, foul, fulsome, grievous, gross, guilty,
     hateful, heinous, horrible, horrid, impeachable, implicated,
     improper, imputable, inculpated, indictable, infamous, iniquitous,
     involved, knavish, lamentable, loathsome, lousy, low, monstrous,
     nasty, naughty, nefarious, noisome, notorious, obnoxious, odious,
     offensive, open to criticism, outrageous, peccant, pitiable,
     pitiful, rank, regrettable, reproachable, reprobate, reprovable,
     repulsive, rotten, sad, scandalous, schlock, scurvy, shabby,
     shameful, shocking, shoddy, sinful, sordid, squalid, terrible,
     to blame, too bad, unclean, unforgivable, unholy, unpardonable,
     unspeakable, unworthy, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, woeful,
     worst, worthless, wretched, wrong

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