Peanut definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Peanut \Pea"nut\ (p[=e]"n[u^]t), n. (Bot.)
     The fruit of a trailing leguminous plant ({Arachis
     hypog[ae]a}); also, the plant itself, which is widely
     cultivated for its fruit.
     [1913 Webster]

     Note: The fruit is a hard pod, usually containing two or
           three seeds, sometimes but one, which ripen beneath the
           soil. Called also {earthnut}, {groundnut}, and
           [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : of little importance or influence or power; of minor status;
             "a minor, insignificant bureaucrat"; "peanut
             politicians" [syn: {insignificant}]
       n 1: underground pod of the peanut vine
       2: widely cultivated American plant cultivated in tropical and
          warm regions; showy yellow flowers on stalks that bend
          over to the soil so that seed pods ripen underground [syn:
           {peanut vine}, {Arachis hypogaea}]
       3: a young child who is small for his age
       4: pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds;
          `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms [syn: {earthnut},
           {goober}, {goober pea}, {groundnut}, {monkey nut}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  30 Moby Thesaurus words for "peanut":
     Brazil nut, Mickey Mouse, almond, almond paste, amande,
     amande douce, amandes mondees, bitter almond, blanched almonds,
     burnt almond, goober, goober pea, ground-pea, groundnut,
     inconsequential, kernel, measly, meat, nigger toe, noisette, noix,
     nut, paltry, peanut butter, picayune, piddling, puny,
     salted peanuts, small, sweet almond

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