Ounce definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Ounce \Ounce\ (ouns), n. [F. once, fr. L. uncia a twelfth, the
     twelfth part of a pound or of a foot: cf. Gr. 'o`gkos bulk,
     mass, atom. Cf. 2d {Inch}, {Oke}.]
     1. A unit of mass or weight, the sixteenth part of a pound
        avoirdupois, and containing 28.35 grams or 4371/2 grains.
        [1913 Webster +PJC]

     2. (Troy Weight) The twelfth part of a troy pound; one troy
        ounce weighs 31.103486 grams, 8 drams, or 480 grains.
        [1913 Webster +PJC]
     Note: The troy ounce contains twenty pennyweights, each of
           twenty-four grains, or, in all, 480 grains, and is the
           twelfth part of the troy pound. The troy ounce is also
           a weight in apothecaries' weight. [Troy ounce is
           sometimes written as one word, {troyounce}.]
           [1913 Webster]
     3. Fig.: A small portion; a bit. [Obs.]
        [1913 Webster]
              By ounces hung his locks that he had. --Chaucer.
        [1913 Webster]
     {Fluid ounce}. See under {Fluid}, n.
        [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Ounce \Ounce\, n. [F. once; cf. It. lonza, Sp. onza; prob. for
     lonce, taken as l'once, fr. L. lynx, Gr. ?, or an (assumed)
     fem. adj. lyncea, from lynx. Cf. {Lynx}.] (Zool.)
     A feline quadruped ({Felis irbis} syn. {Felis uncia})
     resembling the leopard in size, and somewhat in color, but it
     has longer and thicker fur, which forms a short mane on the
     back. The ounce is pale yellowish gray, with irregular dark
     spots on the neck and limbs, and dark rings on the body. It
     inhabits the lofty mountain ranges of Asia. Called also
     [1913 Webster] Ounded

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a unit of apothecary weight equal to 480 grains or one
            twelfth of a pound [syn: {troy ounce}, {apothecaries'
       2: a unit of weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound or 16
          drams or 28.349 grams [syn: {oz.}]
       3: large feline of upland central Asia having long thick
          whitish fur [syn: {snow leopard}, {Panthera uncia}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  52 Moby Thesaurus words for "ounce":
     ace, atom, bit, crumb, dab, dole, dot, dram, dribble, driblet,
     drop, dwarf, farthing, fleck, flyspeck, fragment, gobbet, grain,
     granule, groat, hair, handful, iota, jot, little, little bit,
     minim, minimum, minutiae, mite, modicum, molecule, mote, nutshell,
     particle, pebble, pinch, pittance, point, scruple, shred, smidgen,
     smitch, speck, spoonful, spot, thimbleful, tiny bit, tittle,
     trifling amount, trivia, whit

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  OUNCE. The name of a weight. An ounce avoirdupois weight is the sixteenth 
  part of a pound; an ounce troy weight is the twelfth part of a pound. Vide 

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