Wow definition


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3 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n : a joke that seems extremely funny [syn: {belly laugh}, {sidesplitter},
            {howler}, {thigh-slapper}, {scream}, {riot}]
       v : impress greatly; "The speaker wowed the audience"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  112 Moby Thesaurus words for "wow":
     amuse, bang, becharm, beguile, belly laugh, best seller, bewitch,
     big hit, birdies, blooping, blue story, blurping,
     brilliant success, captivate, carry away, charm, convulse,
     delectate, delight, dirty joke, dirty story, distortion, divert,
     double entendre, enchant, enliven, enrapture, enravish, entertain,
     enthrall, entrance, ethnic joke, exhilarate, fad, fascinate,
     feedback, flutter, fluttering, fracture one, freak out, fun,
     funny story, gag, gas, gasser, good one, good story, goody,
     great success, hissing, hit, howler, howling, hum, imparadise,
     jape, jest, jestbook, joke, kill, killing, knock dead, knock out,
     laugh, loosen up, meteoric success, momentary success,
     motorboating, panic, play, point, raise a laugh, raise a smile,
     ravish, recreate, refresh, regale, relax, resounding triumph,
     rib tickler, riot, roaring success, rumble, scratching, scream,
     send, sensation, shredding, sick joke, sidesplitter, sight gag,
     slay, smash, smash hit, solace, sport, squeals, static, story,
     successful, thrill, tickle, tickle pink, titillate, transport,
     triumph, visual joke, wheeze, whistles, woomping, wowwows, yarn

From Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (Version 1.9, June 2002) [vera]:

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