Weenie definition


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4 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n : a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually
           smoked; often served on a bread roll [syn: {frank}, {frankfurter},
            {hotdog}, {hot dog}, {dog}, {wiener}, {wienerwurst}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  20 Moby Thesaurus words for "weenie":
     Vienna sausage, bangers, black pudding, blood pudding, bologna,
     braunschweiger, frank, frankfurter, gooseliver, headcheese,
     hot dog, knockwurst, liver sausage, liverwurst, salami, saucisse,
     sausage, wiener, wienerwurst, wienie

From Jargon File (4.3.1, 29 Jun 2001) [jargon]:

  weenie n. 1. [on BBSes] Any of a species of luser resembling a less
     amusing version of {B1FF} that infests many {BBS} systems. The typical
     weenie is a teenage boy with poor social skills travelling under a
     grandiose {handle} derived from fantasy or heavy-metal rock lyrics.
     Among sysops, `the weenie problem' refers to the marginally literate and
     profanity-laden {flamage} weenies tend to spew all over a
     newly-discovered BBS. Compare {spod}, {geek}, {terminal junkie}, {warez
     d00dz}. 2. [Among hackers] When used with a qualifier (for example, as
     in {Unix weenie}, VMS weenie, IBM weenie) this can be either an insult
     or a term of praise, depending on context, tone of voice, and whether or
     not it is applied by a person who considers him or herself to be the
     same sort of weenie. Implies that the weenie has put a major investment
     of time, effort, and concentration into the area indicated; whether this
     is good or bad depends on the hearer's judgment of how the speaker feels
     about that area. See also {bigot}. 3. The semicolon character, `;'
     (ASCII 0111011).

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:

          1. [on BBSes] Any of a species of {luser} resembling a less
          amusing version of {BIFF} that infests many {BBS}es.  The
          typical weenie is a teenage boy with poor social skills
          travelling under a grandiose {handle} derived from fantasy or
          heavy-metal rock lyrics.  Among {sysop}s, "the weenie problem"
          refers to the marginally literate and profanity-laden
          {flamage} weenies tend to spew all over a newly-discovered
          Compare {spod}, {computer geek}, {terminal junkie}.
          2. Among hackers, when used with a qualifier (for example, as
          in {Unix weenie}, {VMS} weenie, {IBM} weenie) this can be
          either an insult or a term of praise, depending on context,
          tone of voice, and whether or not it is applied by a person
          who considers him or herself to be the same sort of weenie.
          It implies that the weenie has put a major investment of time,
          effort and concentration into the area indicated; whether this
          is good or bad depends on the hearer's judgment of how the
          speaker feels about that area.  See also {bigot}.
          3. The {semicolon} character, ";" ({ASCII} 59).

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