Totalitarian definition


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2 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: characterized by a government in which the political
              authority exercises absolute and centralized control;
              "a totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous
              institutions in its drive to seize the human soul"-
              Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr.

       2: of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism
          according to which the state regulates every realm of
          life; "totalitarian theory and practice"; "operating in a
          totalistic fashion" [syn: {totalistic}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  83 Moby Thesaurus words for "totalitarian":
     absolute, absolutist, arbitrary, aristocratic, ascendant,
     authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, autonomous,
     bureaucratic, civic, civil, clothed with authority, commanding,
     competent, consequential, considerable, constitutional,
     controlling, democratic, despotic, dictatorial, dominant,
     duly constituted, eminent, empowered, ex officio, fascist, federal,
     federalist, federalistic, governing, governmental, great,
     gubernatorial, hegemonic, hegemonistic, heteronomous, illiberal,
     imperative, important, influential, leading, matriarchal,
     matriarchic, mighty, momentous, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic,
     monocratic, monolithic, official, oligarchal, oligarchic,
     oppressive, parliamentarian, parliamentary, patriarchal,
     patriarchic, pluralistic, political, potent, powerful, preeminent,
     prestigious, prominent, puissant, ranking, republican, ruling,
     self-governing, senior, substantial, superior, supreme, theocratic,
     total, tyrannical, undemocratic, unlimited, weighty

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