Predacious definition


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2 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: hunting and killing other animals for food [syn: {predaceous}]
       2: living by or given to victimizing others for personal gain;
          "predatory capitalists"; "a predatory, insensate society
          in which innocence and decency can prove fatal"- Peter S.
          Prescott; "a predacious kind of animal--the early

          geological gangster"- W.E.Swinton [syn: {predaceous}, {predatory}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  60 Moby Thesaurus words for "predacious":
     all-devouring, all-engulfing, bloodsucking, cannibal,
     cannibalistic, carnivorous, commensal, dietetic, dining, eating,
     extortionate, feeding, flesh-eating, fruitarian, gastronomic,
     gluttonous, grabby, grain-eating, graminivorous, granivorous,
     grasping, grass-eating, herbivorous, insect-eating, insectivorous,
     lactovegetarian, looting, lupine, man-eating, marauding,
     meat-eating, mensal, nourishing, nutritious, omnivorous,
     omophagous, pantophagous, parasitic, phytivorous, phytophagous,
     pillaging, plant-eating, plundering, plunderous, postprandial,
     prandial, predatory, preprandial, rapacious, raptorial, ravaging,
     ravening, ravenous, sharkish, spoliatory, vegetable-eating,
     vegetarian, vulturine, vulturous, wolfish

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