Lumpen definition


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5 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  lumpen \lump"en\ adj.
     1. mentally sluggish.
     Syn: lumpish, sluggish, unthinking.
          [WordNet 1.5]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Lumpen \Lump"en\, n.
     1. (Politics) same as {lumpenproletariat}.
     2. (Zool.) The European eelpout; -- called also {lumper}.
        [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Lumper \Lump"er\, n. [Cf. {Lamper eel}.] (Zool.)
     The European eelpout; -- called also {lumpen}.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : mentally sluggish [syn: {lumpish}, {unthinking}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  166 Moby Thesaurus words for "lumpen":
     abject, abominable, amorphic, amorphous, anarchic, arrant,
     at leisure, at liberty, at loose ends, atrocious, available, baggy,
     base, beat-up, bedraggled, beggarly, blobby, blowzy, blurred,
     blurry, boorish, careless, chaotic, characterless, cheesy, chintzy,
     churlish, cloddish, clodhopping, clownish, confused, contemptible,
     countrified, country-born, country-bred, crummy, debased, degraded,
     depraved, despicable, dilapidated, dirty, disengaged, disgusting,
     disorderly, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, execrable,
     fallow, farmerish, featureless, flagrant, formless, foul, free,
     from the sticks, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, fulsome, fuzzy, grave,
     gross, grubby, hayseed, hazy, heinous, hick, hicky, hobnailed,
     idle, in rags, inchoate, indecisive, indefinite, indeterminate,
     inform, informal, inurbane, jobless, kaleidoscopic, leisure,
     leisured, little, loose, loutish, low, low-down, lumpish, mangy,
     mean, measly, messy, miserable, misty, monstrous, mussy, nefarious,
     negligent, nondescript, obnoxious, obscure, odious, off, off duty,
     off work, orderless, otiose, out of employ, out of harness,
     out of work, paltry, petty, poky, poor, ragged, raggedy, rank,
     reptilian, rube, ruinous, scabby, scraggly, scrubby, scruffy,
     scummy, scurvy, seedy, shabby, shapeless, shoddy, slack,
     slatternly, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, sluttish, small, sordid,
     squalid, tacky, tattered, unclear, uncouth, uncultivated,
     uncultured, undefined, unemployable, unemployed, unkempt,
     unmentionable, unneat, unoccupied, unordered, unorganized,
     unpolished, unrefined, unsightly, untidy, up-country, vague, vile,
     wretched, yokel, yokelish

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