Jus definition


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3 definitions found

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  28 Moby Thesaurus words for "jus":
     act, bill, bylaw, canon, decree, dictate, dictation, edict,
     enactment, form, formality, formula, formulary, institution, law,
     legislation, lex, measure, ordinance, ordonnance, prescript,
     prescription, regulation, rubric, rule, ruling, standing order,


From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  JUS. Law or right. This term is applied in many modern phrases. It is also 
  used to signify equity. Story, Eq. Jur. Sec. 1; Bract, lib. 1, c. 4, p. 3; 
  Tayl. Civ. Law, 147; Dig. 1, 1, 1. 
       2. The English law, like the Roman, has its jus antiquum and jus novum 
  and jus novissimum. The jus novum may be supposed to have taken its origin 
  about the end of the reign of Henry VII. A. D. 1509. It assumed a regular 
  form towards the end of the reign of Charles II. A. D. 1685, and from that 
  period the jus novissimum may be dated. Lord Coke, who was born 40 years 
  after the death of Henry VII. is most advantageously considered as the 
  connecting link of the jus antiquum and jus novissimum of English law. 
  Butler's Remin. 

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  JUST. This epithet is applied to that which agrees with a given law which is 
  the test of right and wrong. 1 Toull. prel. n. 5 Aust. Jur. 276, n. It is 
  that which accords with the perfect rights of others. Wolff, Inst. Sec. 83; 
  Swinb. part 1, s. 2, n. 5, and part 1, Sec. 4, n. 3. By just is also 
  understood full and perfect, as a just weight Swinb. part 1, s. 3, U. 5. 

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