Jumpstart definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  jumpstart \jump"start`\, Jump-start \Jump"-start`\, v. t.
     1. To start (the engine of a motor vehicle) using a temporary
        connection to supply electrical power from another vehicle
        or another source of current; -- an emergency procedure
        used when a vehicle's own battery has insufficient power
        to start the vehicle normally.

     Note: Cables used to transmit electrical current from one
           vehicle to another for the purpose of jump-starting are
           called jumper cables.
     2. To provide a speedy start to (an activity) using the
        assistance of some external impetus; to re-energize (an
        activity proceeding sluggishly); -- accomplished by
        application of a stimulus not normally used in the
        activity. [Figurative]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Jump-start \Jump"-start`\, n.
     The action or event of jump-starting. For motor vehicles, the
     jump-starting of an engine is also called a {jump}.
     [PJC] Jump suit

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       v 1: start a car engine whose battery by connecting it to another
            car's battery [syn: {jumpstart}, {jump}]
       2: start or re-start vigorously; "The Secretary of State
          intends to jumpstart the Middle East Peace Process" [syn:

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       v 1: start a car engine whose battery by connecting it to another
            car's battery [syn: {jump-start}, {jump}]
       2: start or re-start vigorously; "The Secretary of State
          intends to jumpstart the Middle East Peace Process" [syn:

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