Imprecise definition


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2 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : not precise; "imprecise astronomical observations"; "the
             terms he used were imprecise and emotional" [ant: {precise}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  118 Moby Thesaurus words for "imprecise":
     adulterated, aleatoric, aleatory, ambiguous, amorphous,
     approximate, approximative, barbarous, blemished, blobby, blurred,
     blurry, broad, careless, chance, chancy, chaotic, cloudy, confused,
     damaged, defective, deficient, disordered, easy, easygoing,
     erroneous, fallible, faulty, foggy, found wanting, fuzzy, general,
     hazy, hit-or-miss, ill-defined, immature, impaired, imperfect,
     impotent, improper, impure, inaccurate, inadequate, inchoate,
     incoherent, incomplete, incorrect, indecisive, indefinable,
     indefinite, indeterminable, indeterminate, indifferent, indistinct,
     inexact, inexplicit, infelicitous, lacking, lax, lenient, loose,
     makeshift, mediocre, mixed, negligent, nonspecific, not perfect,
     obscure, off, orderless, out of line, out of plumb, out of square,
     out of true, overindulgent, overpermissive, partial, patchy,
     permissive, random, relaxed, remiss, shadowed forth, shadowy,
     shapeless, short, sketchy, slack, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, soft,
     solecistic, stochastic, sweeping, unclear, undefined, undestined,
     undetermined, undeveloped, uneven, unfactual, unfinished,
     ungrammatic, unperfected, unplain, unprecise, unrestrained,
     unrigorous, unsound, unspecified, unthorough, vague, veiled,
     wanting, weak, woolly, wrong

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