Immobilise definition


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1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       v 1: hold as reserve or withdraw from circulation; of capital
            [syn: {immobilize}]
       2: to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned
          under the fallen tree" [syn: {trap}, {pin}, {immobilize}]
       3: make defenseless [syn: {immobilize}]

       4: convert (assets) into fixed capital [syn: {immobilize}]
       5: prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds";
          "Freeze the assets of this hostile government" [syn: {freeze},
           {block}, {immobilize}] [ant: {unblock}, {unblock}]
       6: cause to be unable to move; "The sudden storm immobilized
          the traffic" [syn: {immobilize}]

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