Emphatic definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  emphatic \em*phat"ic\, emphatical \em*phat"ic*al\, a. [Gr. ?:
     cf. F. emphatique. See {Emphasis}.]
     1. Uttered with emphasis; made prominent and impressive by a
        peculiar stress of voice; laying stress; deserving of
        stress or emphasis; forcible; impressive; strong; as, to
        remonstrate in an emphatic manner; emphatic denials; an

        emphatic word; an emphatic tone; emphatic reasoning.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Striking the sense; attracting special attention;
        impressive; forcible. "Emphatical colors." --Boyle.
        "Emphatical evils." --Bp. Reynolds.
     3. Forceful and definite in expression or action; -- of
        statements, actions, or sections of documents; as, the
        document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of
        religious liberty.
     Syn: forceful.
          [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
     4. Sudden and strong; -- of statements; as, an emphatic no.
     Syn: exclamatory.
          [WordNet 1.5]
     Syn: Forcible; earnest; impressive; energetic; striking;
          positive; important; special; significant.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: spoken with emphasis; "an emphatic word" [syn: {emphasized},
       2: sudden and strong; "an emphatic no" [syn: {exclamatory}]
       3: forceful and definite in expression or action; "the document
          contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious
          liberty" [syn: {forceful}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  71 Moby Thesaurus words for "emphatic":
     absolute, accented, accentuated, affirmative, affirmatory,
     aggressive, ardent, assertative, assertional, assertive, burning,
     categorical, certain, decided, declarative, declaratory, definite,
     definitive, determined, direct, distinct, dogged, dogmatic,
     earnest, emphasized, energetic, enthusiastic, exciting, explicit,
     express, fervent, fiery, firm, forceful, forcible, glowing,
     impassioned, in red letters, incisive, insistent, intense,
     italicized, marked, passionate, peremptory, pointed, positive,
     predicational, predicative, pronounced, provoking, punctuated,
     resolute, resounding, specific, starred, stimulating, stirring,
     stressed, strong, sure, unambiguous, uncompromising, underlined,
     underscored, unequivocal, unmistakable, urgent, vehement, vigorous,

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