Empathy definition


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2 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n : understanding and entering into another's feelings

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  105 Moby Thesaurus words for "empathy":

     accent, accentuation, accord, accordance, affinity, agape,
     agreement, allergy, amity, anaphylaxis, appreciation, attention,
     bonds of harmony, brotherly love, caring, caritas,
     cement of friendship, charity, chord, communion, community,
     community of interests, compassion, compatibility, comprehension,
     concern, concord, concordance, congeniality, considerateness,
     correspondence, delicacy, echo, emphasis, esprit, esprit de corps,
     exquisiteness, feeling of identity, fellow feeling, fellowship,
     fineness, force, frictionlessness, good vibes, good vibrations,
     happy family, harmony, hyperesthesia, hyperpathia,
     hypersensitivity, identification, identity, insistence,
     involvement, irritability, kinship, like-mindedness, love,
     mutuality, nervousness, oneness, oversensibility,
     oversensitiveness, overtenderness, passibility, pathos, peace,
     perceptiveness, perceptivity, photophobia, prickliness, rapport,
     rapprochement, reciprocity, relating, response, responsiveness,
     sensitiveness, sensitivity, sensitization, sharing, solidarity,
     soreness, stress, supersensitivity, sympathetic chord,
     sympathetic response, sympathy, symphony, tact, tactfulness,
     team spirit, tenderness, tetchiness, thin skin, ticklishness,
     touchiness, understanding, union, unison, unity, vibes, vibrations,
     warmth, weight

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