Edged definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  edged \edged\ adj.
     1. having a specified kind of border or edge; as, a
        black-edged card; dried sweat left salt-edged patches.
        [WordNet 1.5]

     2. having a cutting edge or especially an edge or edges as
        specified; often used in combination; as, a dull-edged
        blade. Opposit of {edgeless}. [Postpositional]
        [WordNet 1.5]
     3. having a biting effect, implying criticism; -- used of
        words or language; as, edged satire.
     Syn: cutting, harsh, sharp, sharp-worded, stinging.
          [WordNet 1.5]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Edge \Edge\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Edged}; p. pr. & vb. n.
     1. To furnish with an edge as a tool or weapon; to sharpen.
        [1913 Webster]
              To edge her champion's sword.         --Dryden.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. To shape or dress the edge of, as with a tool.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. To furnish with a fringe or border; as, to edge a dress;
        to edge a garden with box.
        [1913 Webster]
              Hills whose tops were edged with groves. --Pope.
        [1913 Webster]
     4. To make sharp or keen, figuratively; to incite; to
        exasperate; to goad; to urge or egg on. [Obs.]
        [1913 Webster]
              By such reasonings, the simple were blinded, and the
              malicious edged.                      --Hayward.
        [1913 Webster]
     5. To move by little and little or cautiously, as by pressing
        forward edgewise; as, edging their chairs forwards.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: having a specified kind of border or edge; "a black-edged
              card"; "dried sweat left salt-edged patches"
       2: (of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character; "cutting
          remarks"; "edged satire"; "a stinging comment" [syn: {cutting},
       3: having a cutting edge or especially an edge or edges as
          specified; often used in combination; "an edged knife"; "a
          two-edged sword"

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