Earthier definition


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2 definitions found

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: conspicuously and tastelessly indecent; "coarse language";
              "a crude joke"; "crude behavior"; "an earthy sense of
              humor"; "a revoltingly gross expletive"; "a vulgar
              gesture"; "full of language so vulgar it should have
              been edited" [syn: {coarse}, {crude}, {gross}, {vulgar}]

       2: not far removed from or suggestive of nature; "the earthy
          taste of warm milk fresh from the cow"; "earthy smells of
          new-mown grass"
       3: hearty and lusty; "an earthy enjoyment of life"
       4: sensible and practical; "has a straightforward down-to-earth
          approach to a problem"; "her earthy common sense" [syn: {down-to-earth}]
       [also: {earthiest}, {earthier}]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       See {earthy}

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