Zigzag definition


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8 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Zigzag \Zig"zag`\, a.
     Having short, sharp turns; running this way and that in an
     onward course.
     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Zigzag \Zig"zag`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Zigzagged}; p. pr. & vb.
     n. {Zigzagging}.]
     To form with short turns.
     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Zigzag \Zig"zag`\, v. i.
     To move in a zigzag manner; also, to have a zigzag shape.
     --R. Browning.
     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Zigzag \Zig"zag`\, n. [F. zigzag, G. zickzack, from zacke,
     zacken, a dentil, tooth. Cf. {Tack} a small nail.]
     [1913 Webster]
     1. Something that has short turns or angles.
        [1913 Webster]
              The fanatics going straight forward and openly, the
              politicians by the surer mode of zigzag. --Burke.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. (Arch.) A molding running in a zigzag line; a chevron, or
        series of chevrons. See Illust. of {Chevron}, 3.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. (Fort.) See {Boyau}.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : having short sharp turns or angles
       n : an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating
           directions [syn: {zig}, {zag}]
       adv : in a zigzag course or on a zigzag path; "birds flew zigzag
             across the blue sky"
       v : travel along a zigzag path; "The river zigzags through the
           countryside" [syn: {crank}]
       [also: {zigzagging}, {zigzagged}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  212 Moby Thesaurus words for "zigzag":
     L, V-shaped, Y-shaped, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, aberrative,
     akimbo, alternate, angle, angle off, angular, apex, avoidance,
     avoiding reaction, back and fill, battledore and shuttlecock, bend,
     bendy, bent, bias, bifurcate, bifurcation, bight, branch,
     branching off, cant, chevron, chevronwise, chevrony, circuitous,
     circuitousness, circumvention, coin, come and go, corner, cornered,
     crank, crankiness, crankle, crankled, crook, crooked, crookedness,
     crotched, crotchet, curve, curvy, declination, defense mechanism,
     deflect, deflection, departing, departure, desultory, detour,
     deviance, deviancy, deviant, deviate, deviating, deviation,
     deviative, deviatory, devious, deviousness, diffract, diffuse,
     digression, digressive, discursion, discursive, disperse, distort,
     divagation, divarication, diverge, divergence, diversion, divert,
     dodge, dogleg, double, drift, drifting, duck, ebb and flow, elbow,
     ell, elusion, elusiveness, equivocation, errant, errantry, erratic,
     escape, evasion, evasive action, evasiveness, excursion, excursive,
     excursus, exorbitation, flexuosity, flexuous, forbearance,
     forestalling, forestallment, fork, forked, furcal, furcate,
     furcation, geniculate, geniculated, getting around, hairpin,
     hitch and hike, hook, hooked, indirect, indirection, inflection,
     jagged, jink, knee, knee-shaped, labyrinthine, mazy, meandering,
     neutrality, nonintervention, noninvolvement, nook, obliquity,
     out-of-the-way, pass and repass, pererration, planetary, point,
     pointed, prevention, pull, quoin, rambling, reciprocate, refract,
     refraining, ride and tie, roving, saw-toothed, sawtooth, scatter,
     seesaw, serpentine, serrate, sharp, sharp-cornered, sheer, shift,
     shifting, shifting course, shifting path, shunning, shunting off,
     shuttle, shuttlecock, shy, sidestep, sidetracking, skew, slant,
     slip, snaky, stagger, staggered, stray, straying, sweep, swerve,
     swerving, swing, swinging, switchback, tack, teeter, teeter-totter,
     the runaround, to-and-fro, turn, turning, twist, twisting, twisty,
     undirected, vagrant, variation, veer, veering, vertex, wandering,
     warp, wax and wane, wibble-wabble, wigwag, winding, yaw, zag, zig,
     zigzaggery, zigzaggy, zigzagways

From THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993) [devils]:

  ZIGZAG, v.t.  To move forward uncertainly, from side to side, as one
  carrying the white man's burden.  (From _zed_, _z_, and _jag_, an
  Icelandic word of unknown meaning.)
      He zedjagged so uncomen wyde
      Thet non coude pas on eyder syde;
      So, to com saufly thruh, I been
      Constreynet for to doodge betwene.

From U.S. Gazetteer (1990) [gazetteer]:

  Zigzag, OR
    Zip code(s): 97049

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