Wrapper definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Wrapper \Wrap"per\, n.
     1. One who, or that which, wraps.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. That in which anything is wrapped, or inclosed; envelope;

        [1913 Webster]
     3. Specifically, a loose outer garment; an article of dress
        intended to be wrapped round the person; as, a morning
        wrapper; a gentleman's wrapper.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a loose dressing gown for women [syn: {negligee}, {neglige},
             {peignoir}, {housecoat}]
       2: the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which
          something is wrapped [syn: {wrapping}, {wrap}]
       3: cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person [syn: {wrap}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  63 Moby Thesaurus words for "wrapper":
     Smyth sewing, backing, bandage, bandaging, bibliopegy, binder,
     binder board, binding, book cloth, book cover, book jacket,
     bookbinding, bookcase, case, casemaking, casing-in, casual clothes,
     collating, collating mark, cover, dishabille, dust cover,
     dust jacket, envelope, envelopment, folding, footband, gathering,
     gift wrapping, gluing-off, hard binding, headband, jacket,
     library binding, lining, lining-up, mechanical binding, neglige,
     negligee, niggerhead, perfect binding, plastic binding, rounding,
     saddle stitching, sewing, side sewing, signature, slipcase,
     slipcover, smashing, soft binding, something comfortable,
     spiral binding, sport clothes, stamping, stapling, tailband,
     tipping, trimming, undress, wire stitching, wrap, wrapping

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:

           Code which is combined with another piece of
          {code} to determine how that code is executed.  The wrapper
          acts as an interface between its caller and the wrapped code.
          This may be done for compatibility, e.g. if the wrapped code
          is in a different programming language or uses different
          calling conventions, or for security, e.g. to prevent the
          calling program from executing certain functions.  The
          implication is that the wrapped code can only be accessed via
          the wrapper.

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