Worker definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Worker \Work"er\, n.
     1. One who, or that which, works; a laborer; a performer; as,
        a worker in brass.
        [1913 Webster]
              Professors of holiness, but workers of iniquity.

        [1913 Webster]
     2. (Zool.) One of the neuter, or sterile, individuals of the
        social ants, bees, and white ants. The workers are
        generally females having the sexual organs imperfectly
        developed. See {Ant}, and {White ant}, under {White}.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a person who works at a specific occupation; "he is a good
            worker" [ant: {nonworker}]
       2: a member of the working class (not necessarily employed);
          "workers of the world--unite!" [syn: {proletarian}, {prole}]
       3: sterile member of a colony of social insects that forages
          for food and cares for the larvae
       4: a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal
          actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a
          doer"; "he's a miracle worker" [syn: {actor}, {doer}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  112 Moby Thesaurus words for "worker":
     actor, agent, ant, architect, army ant, artisan, assistant, author,
     bee, black ant, blue-collar worker, brainworker, brassworker,
     breadwinner, bumblebee, carpenter ant, casual, casual laborer,
     clothworker, common laborer, craftsman, creator, day laborer, doer,
     drone, emmet, employee, executant, executor, executrix, fabricator,
     factory worker, fieldworker, fire ant, flintworker, flunky,
     free lance, free-lancer, full-time worker, garmentworker,
     girl Friday, glassworker, goldworker, hand, handicraftsman,
     hired hand, hired man, hireling, honeybee, hornet, house ant,
     industrial worker, ironworker, jobber, jobholder, laborer,
     laboring man, laceworker, leatherworker, maker, man Friday,
     mechanic, medium, menial, mercenary, metalworker, migrant,
     millworker, mineworker, moiler, mover, myrmidon, navvy,
     needleworker, office temporary, operant, operative, operator,
     pensioner, performer, perpetrator, pismire, practitioner,
     prime mover, producer, proletarian, queen, queen bee, red ant,
     right-hand man, roustabout, salaried worker, self-employed person,
     servant, slave ant, soldier, stiff, subject, temporary, termite,
     toiler, wage earner, wage slave, wageworker, wasp, workgirl,
     workhand, working girl, workingman, workingwoman, workman,
     yellow jacket

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