WAREHOUS definition


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From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  WAREHOUSE. A place adapted to the reception and storage of goods and 
  merchandise. 9 Shepl. 47. 
       2. The act of congress of February 25, 1799, 1 Story's Laws U. S. 565, 
  authorizes the purchase of suitable warehouses, where goods may be unladen 
  and deposited from any vessel which shall be subject to quarantine or other 
  restraint, pursuant to the health laws of any state, at such convenient 

  place or places as the safety of the revenue and the observance of such 
  health laws may require. 
       3. And the act of 2d March, 1799, s. 62, 1 Story's Laws U. S. 627, 
  authorizes an importer of goods, instead of, securing the duties to be paid 
  to the United States, to deposit so much of such goods as the collector may 
  in his judgment deem sufficient security for the duties and the charges of 
  safe keeping, for which the importer shall give his own bond; which goods 
  shall be kept by the collector with due care, at the expense and risk of the 
  party on whose account they have been deposited, until the sum specified, in 
  such bond becomes due; when, if such sum shall not be paid, so much of such 
  deposited goods shall be sold at public sale, and the proceeds, charges of 
  safe keeping and sale being deducted, shall be applied to the payment of 
  such sum, rendering the overplus, and the residue of the goods so deposited, 
  if there be any, to the depositor or his representatives. 

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