Vision definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Vision \Vi"sion\, n. [OE. visioun, F. vision, fr. L. visio, from
     videre, visum, to see: akin to Gr. ? to see, ? I know, and E.
     wit. See {Wit}, v., and cf. {Advice}, {Clairvoyant}, {Envy},
     {Evident}, {Provide}, {Revise}, {Survey}, {View}, {Visage},
     1. The act of seeing external objects; actual sight.

        [1913 Webster]
              Faith here is turned into vision there. --Hammond.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. (Physiol.) The faculty of seeing; sight; one of the five
        senses, by which colors and the physical qualities of
        external objects are appreciated as a result of the
        stimulating action of light on the sensitive retina, an
        expansion of the optic nerve.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. That which is seen; an object of sight. --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
     4. Especially, that which is seen otherwise than by the
        ordinary sight, or the rational eye; a supernatural,
        prophetic, or imaginary sight; an apparition; a phantom; a
        specter; as, the visions of Isaiah.
        [1913 Webster]
              The baseless fabric of this vision.   --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
              No dreams, but visions strange.       --Sir P.
        [1913 Webster]
     5. Hence, something unreal or imaginary; a creation of fancy.
        [1913 Webster]
     {Arc of vision} (Astron.), the arc which measures the least
        distance from the sun at which, when the sun is below the
        horizon, a star or planet emerging from his rays becomes
     {Beatific vision} (Theol.), the immediate sight of God in
     {Direct vision} (Opt.), vision when the image of the object
        falls directly on the yellow spot (see under {Yellow});
        also, vision by means of rays which are not deviated from
        their original direction.
     {Field of vision}, field of view. See under {Field}.
     {Indirect vision} (Opt.), vision when the rays of light from
        an object fall upon the peripheral parts of the retina.
     {Reflected vision}, or {Refracted vision}, vision by rays
        reflected from mirrors, or refracted by lenses or prisms,
     {Vision purple}. (Physiol.) See {Visual purple}, under
        [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Vision \Vi"sion\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Visioned}; p. pr. & vb.
     n. {Visioning}.]
     To see in a vision; to dream.
     [1913 Webster]
           For them no visioned terrors daunt,
           Their nights no fancied specters haunt.  --Sir W.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a vivid mental image; "he had a vision of his own death"
       2: the ability to see; the faculty of vision [syn: {sight}, {visual
          sense}, {visual modality}]
       3: the perceptual experience of seeing; "the runners emerged
          from the trees into his clear vision"; "he had a visual
          sensation of intense light" [syn: {visual sensation}]
       4: the formation of a mental image of something that is not
          perceived as real and is not present to the senses;
          "popular imagination created a world of demons";
          "imagination reveals what the world could be" [syn: {imagination},
       5: a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural
          appearance; "he had a vision of the Virgin Mary"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  186 Moby Thesaurus words for "vision":
     Masan, Vorstellung, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, astral,
     astral spirit, bad dream, bamboozlement, banshee, befooling,
     bluffing, brainchild, brown study, bubble, calculated deception,
     chimera, circumvention, conceive, concept, conception,
     conceptualization, conning, control, daydream, deceiving,
     deception, deceptiveness, defrauding, delirium, delusion,
     delusiveness, departed spirit, disembodied spirit, dream, dupery,
     duppy, dybbuk, eidetic image, eidolon, enmeshment, ensnarement,
     entanglement, entrapment, envisage, envisaging, envision,
     envisioning, epitome, eye, eyeful, eyesight, fallaciousness,
     fallacy, false image, falseness, fancy, fantasque, fantasy,
     feature, fiction, figment, figure, flimflam, flimflammery,
     fond illusion, fooling, foresight, foresightedness, form, ghost,
     grateful dead, guide, hallucination, hant, haunt, hoodwinking,
     idea, idle fancy, idolum, illusion, image, imagery, imagery study,
     imagination, imagine, imaging, imagining, imagism,
     imagistic poetry, immateriality, incorporeal, incorporeal being,
     incorporeity, incubus, insight, insubstantial image, invention,
     kidding, larva, lemures, lifelike image, maggot, make-believe,
     manes, materialization, mental image, mental picture,
     mental representation, mirage, muse, myth, nightmare,
     objectification, oni, oracle, outwitting, overreaching, perception,
     perspective, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, phasm,
     phenomenon, picture, picturing, pipe dream, plan, poem,
     poetic imagery, poltergeist, presence, prophecy, putting on,
     realize, revenant, reverie, romance, scheme, seeing,
     self-deception, shade, shadow, shape, shrouded spirit, sick fancy,
     sight, snow job, song and dance, specter, spectral ghost, spirit,
     spoofery, spoofing, spook, sprite, subterfuge, swindling,
     theophany, thick-coming fancies, thing of beauty, trickiness,
     tricking, trip, understanding, unsubstantiality, vapor,
     victimization, view, visual image, visualization, visualize,
     waking dream, walking dead man, wandering soul, whim, whimsy,
     wildest dream, wildest dreams, willful misconception,
     wishful thinking, word-painting, wraith, zombie

From Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary [easton]:

     (Luke 1:22), a vivid apparition, not a dream (comp. Luke 24:23;
     Acts 26:19; 2 Cor. 12:1).

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