Venturesome definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Venturesome \Ven"ture*some\, a.
     Inclined to venture; not loth to run risk or danger;
     venturous; bold; daring; adventurous; as, a venturesome boy
     or act. -- {Ven"ture*some*ly}, adv. -- {Ven"ture*some*ness},
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: involving risk or danger; "skydiving is a hazardous sport";
              "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog"; "a
              venturesome journey in wintertime"; "a venturous
              enterprise" [syn: {hazardous}, {risky}, {venturous}]
       2: willing to try new things and take risks; "there is a new
          venturesome spirit among young people today"
       3: disposed to venture or take risks; "audacious visions of the
          total conquest of space"; "an audacious interpretation of
          two Jacobean dramas"; "the most daring of contemporary
          fiction writers"; "a venturesome investor"; "a venturous
          spirit" [syn: {audacious}, {daring}, {venturous}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  51 Moby Thesaurus words for "venturesome":
     adventuresome, adventurous, aggressive, aleatory, ambitious,
     audacious, bold, brave, chancy, courageous, daredevil, daring,
     determined, dicey, doughty, driving, dynamic, enterprising,
     experimental, fearless, foolhardy, forceful, full of risk, game,
     go-ahead, hazardous, hustling, intrepid, overbold, plucky, pushful,
     pushing, pushy, rash, reckless, resolute, riskful, risky,
     speculative, spirited, sporting, stalwart, stout, sturdy,
     temerarious, tentative, trial, up-and-coming, venturous, wildcat,

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