Variant definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Variant \Va"ri*ant\, a. [L. varians, p. pr. of variare to
     change: cf. F. variant. See {Vary}.]
     1. Varying in form, character, or the like; variable;
        different; diverse.
        [1913 Webster]

     2. Changeable; changing; fickle. [Obs.]
        [1913 Webster]
              He is so variant, he abit [abides] nowhere.
        [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Variant \Va"ri*ant\, n. [Cf. F. variante.]
     Something which differs in form from another thing, though
     really the same; as, a variant from a type in natural
     history; a variant of a story or a word.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : differing from a norm or standard; "a variant spelling"
       n 1: an event that departs from expectations [syn: {discrepancy},
       2: (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ
          in trivial ways from similar groups; "a new strain of
          microorganisms" [syn: {form}, {strain}, {var.}]
       3: a variable quantity that is random [syn: {random variable},
          {variate}, {stochastic variable}, {chance variable}]
       4: something a little different from others of the same type;
          "an experimental version of the night fighter"; "an emery
          wheel is a modern variant of the grindstone"; "the boy is
          a younger edition of his father" [syn: {version}, {variation},

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  87 Moby Thesaurus words for "variant":
     altering, alternative, antagonistic, antipathetic, assorted,
     at cross-purposes, at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war,
     changing, clashing, contradictory, contrary, contrasted,
     contrasting, cranky, cross, departing, deviant, deviating,
     deviative, different, differentiated, differing, disaccordant,
     disagreeable, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, discrete,
     discriminated, disharmonious, disjoined, disparate,
     disproportionate, dissident, dissimilar, dissonant, distinct,
     distinguished, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse, diversified,
     grating, heterogeneous, hostile, immiscible, in disagreement,
     inaccordant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant,
     inharmonious, irreconcilable, jangling, jarring, many,
     modification, motley, multifarious, negative, out of accord,
     out of whack, poles apart, poles asunder, repugnant, separate,
     separated, several, unconformable, uncongenial, unequal,
     unharmonious, unlike, unstable, variable, variation, varied,
     variegated, various, varying, widely apart, worlds apart

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