Uplift definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Uplift \Up*lift"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Uplifting}.]
     To lift or raise aloft; to raise; to elevate; as, to uplift
     the arm; to uplift a rock. --Cowper.
     [1913 Webster]
           Satan, talking to his nearest mate,

           With head uplift above the wave, and eyes
           That sparkling blazed.                   --Milton.
     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Uplift \Up"lift`\, n. (Geol.)
     A raising or upheaval of strata so as to disturb their
     regularity and uniformity, and to occasion folds,
     dislocations, and the like.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: (geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation (as in the
            process of mountain building) [syn: {upheaval}, {upthrow},
       2: a brassiere that lifts and supports the breasts
       v 1: fill with high spirits; fill with optimism; "Music can
            uplift your spirits" [syn: {elate}, {lift up}, {pick up},
             {intoxicate}] [ant: {depress}]
       2: lift up from the earth, as by geologic forces; "the earth's
          movement uplifted this part of town"
       3: lift up or elevate

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  216 Moby Thesaurus words for "uplift":
     Great Leap Forward, abruptness, acclivity, acculturate, advance,
     advancement, aggrandize, ameliorate, amelioration, amend,
     amendment, anabasis, apotheose, apotheosis, apotheosize, ascension,
     ascent, assumption, bear up, beatification, beatify, better,
     bettering, betterment, boost, bring forward, buoy, buoy up,
     canonization, canonize, cast up, civilize, clamber, climb,
     climbing, crown, deification, deify, edify, educate, elate,
     elevate, elevation, emend, enhance, enhancement, enlighten,
     ennoble, enrich, enrichment, enshrine, enshrinement, enthrone,
     erect, erection, escalade, escalate, escalation, eugenics,
     euthenics, exalt, exaltation, fatten, favor, float, float high,
     flush, forward, foster, fountain, furtherance, glamorize, glorify,
     go straight, gush, gyring up, headway, heave, heft, height,
     heighten, heist, hike, hoick, hoist, hold up, illume, illumine,
     immortalize, improve, improve upon, improvement, increase,
     irradiate, jerk up, jet, jump, knock up, lard, leap, levitate,
     levitation, lift, lift up, lifting, lionize, lob, loft, magnify,
     make an improvement, make legendary, meliorate, melioration, mend,
     mending, mount, mounting, nurture, perk up, pick up, pickup, pitch,
     precipitousness, preferment, progress, progression, promote,
     promotion, raise, raise aloft, raise up, raising, rear, rear aloft,
     rear up, rearing, recovery, refine upon, reform, restoration,
     revival, ride high, rise, rising, rising ground, rocketing up,
     saint, saltation, sanctify, set up, shooting up, sky, soaring,
     socialize, spout, spring, spurt, stand upright, steepness,
     stick up, straighten out, surge, sursum corda, sustain, take up,
     takeoff, taking off, throne, throw up, transfigure, transform, up,
     upbear, upbeat, upbuoy, upbuoying, upcast, upclimb, upcoming,
     updraft, upend, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrowth, upheaval,
     upheave, uphill, uphoist, uphold, upleap, uplifting, upping,
     upraise, uprear, uprearing, upright, uprisal, uprise, uprising,
     uprush, upshoot, upslope, upsurge, upsurgence, upsweep, upswing,
     upthrow, upthrust, uptrend, upward mobility, vault, verticalness,
     waft, zooming

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