Unworthy definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unworthy \Un*wor"thy\, a.
     Not worthy; wanting merit, value, or fitness; undeserving;
     worthless; unbecoming; -- often with of. -- {Un*wor"thi*ly},
     adv. -- {Un*wor"thi*ness}, n.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: lacking in value or merit; "dispel a student whose conduct
              is deemed unworthy"; "unworthy of forgiveness" [ant: {worthy}]
       2: morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as
          murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery
          appalled them" [syn: {despicable}, {ugly}, {vile}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  96 Moby Thesaurus words for "unworthy":
     abominable, arrant, atrocious, bad, bad child, bad example,
     bad man, bad news, bad person, bad woman, base, beneath notice,
     black, blamable, blameworthy, contemptible, criminal, damnable,
     dark, despicable, discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable,
     disreputable, disreputable person, evil, execrable, flagitious,
     flagrant, foul, good-for-nothing, heinous, ignoble, improper,
     ineligible, infamous, inferior, iniquitous, knavish, low, mediocre,
     menial, meritless, monstrous, naughty, nefarious, no-account,
     no-good, nonmeritorious, not coming, not outstanding, nothing,
     objectionable person, outrageous, paltry, peccant,
     persona non grata, petty, preposterous, puny, rank, reprehensible,
     reprobate, scandalous, second-rate, shameful, sinful, substandard,
     unacceptable person, undeserved, undeserving, undesirable, undue,
     unearned, unentitled, unequal, unfit, unforgivable, unjustified,
     unmerited, unmeriting, unowed, unowing, unpardonable,
     unprofessional, unqualified, unspeakable, unwarranted,
     unworthy of regard, valueless, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked,
     worthless, wrong

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