Unutterable definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unutterable \Un*ut"ter*a*ble\, a.
     Not utterable; incapable of being spoken or voiced;
     inexpressible; ineffable; unspeakable; as, unutterable
     [1913 Webster]

           Sighed and looked unutterable things.    --Thomson.
     [1913 Webster] -- {Un*ut"ter*a*ble*ness}, n. --
     {Un*ut"ter*a*bly}, adv.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: too sacred to be uttered; "the ineffable name of the Deity"
              [syn: {ineffable}, {unnameable}, {unspeakable}]
       2: defying expression or description; "indefinable yearnings";
          "indescribable beauty"; "ineffable ecstasy";
          "inexpressible anguish"; "unspeakable happiness";
          "unutterable contempt"; "a thing of untellable splendor"
          [syn: {indefinable}, {indescribable}, {ineffable}, {unspeakable},
       3: very difficult to pronounce correctly; "an unpronounceable
          foreign word"; "unutterable consonant clusters" [syn: {unpronounceable}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  72 Moby Thesaurus words for "unutterable":
     arcane, awesome, awful, cabalistic, censored, classified, close,
     closed, concealed, cryptic, dark, divine, enigmatic, esoteric,
     heavenly, hermetic, hidden, holy, hush-hush, incommunicable,
     inconceivable, incredible, indefinable, indescribable, ineffable,
     inenarrable, inexpressible, innominable, inviolable, inviolate,
     latent, marvelous, mysterious, noncommunicable, numinous, occult,
     prodigious, religious, restricted, sacred, sacrosanct, secret,
     smothered, spiritual, stifled, suppressed, top secret, ulterior,
     unbelievable, unbreatheable, undefinable, under security,
     under wraps, undisclosable, undisclosed, undivulgable, undivulged,
     unimaginable, unmentionable, unnameable, unrevealable, unrevealed,
     unspeakable, unspoken, untellable, untold, untouchable, unuttered,
     unwhisperable, venerable, wonderful, wondrous

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