Unreasonable definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unreasonable \Unreasonable\
     See {reasonable}.

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unreasonable \Un*rea"son*a*ble\, a.

     Not reasonable; irrational; immoderate; exorbitant. --
     {Un*rea"son*a*ble*ness}, n. -- {Un*rea"son*a*bly}, adv.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: not reasonable; not showing good judgment [ant: {reasonable}]
       2: pungent adjectives of disesteem; "gave me a cockamamie
          reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea";
          "some wacky plan for selling more books" [syn: {cockamamie},
           {cockamamy}, {goofy}, {sappy}, {silly}, {wacky}, {whacky},
       3: absurd and inappropriate; "the unreasonable nimbus of
          romance with which she had encircled that man"- Thomas
       4: beyond normal limits; "excessive charges"; "a book of
          inordinate length"; "his dress stops just short of undue
          elegance"; "unreasonable demands" [syn: {excessive}, {inordinate},
       5: inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense; "the
          absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is
          highly desirable but intensely unpleasant"- Walter Lippman
          [syn: {absurd}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  200 Moby Thesaurus words for "unreasonable":
     a bit much, abandoned, absonant, absurd, arbitrary, bigoted, blind,
     boundless, brainless, capricious, contradictory,
     contrary to reason, cranky, crazy, crotchety, cutthroat, egregious,
     enormous, exacting, exaggerated, excessive, exorbitant,
     extortionate, extravagant, extreme, extremist, fabulous,
     fallacious, fanatic, fanciful, fancy, fantasied, fantastic,
     fatuous, faulty, flaky, flawed, foolish, freakish, gigantic,
     gluttonous, gouging, grossly overpriced, haggard, harebrained,
     high, humorsome, hyperbolic, hypertrophied, idiotic, ill-advised,
     ill-considered, ill-contrived, ill-devised, ill-gauged, ill-judged,
     illogical, imbecilic, immoderate, impolitic, impractical, improper,
     imprudent, inadvisable, inappropriate, inapt, inauthentic,
     inconclusive, incongruous, inconsequent, inconsequential,
     inconsiderate, inconsistent, incontinent, indefensible, indiscreet,
     inequitable, inexcusable, inexpedient, inexpiable, inflationary,
     injudicious, inordinate, insane, insensate, intemperate, invalid,
     irrational, irremissible, kinky, laughable, loose, ludicrous, mad,
     maggoty, mindless, misadvised, misguided, monstrous, moody,
     moronic, motiveless, myopic, nonrational, nonscientific,
     nonsensical, not following, notional, out of bounds, out of sight,
     outrageous, overbig, overdeveloped, overenthusiastic, overgreat,
     overgrown, overlarge, overmuch, overpriced, overreligious,
     overweening, overzealous, paralogical, peremptory, perfervid,
     petulant, preposterous, prohibitive, quirky, rabid, reasonless,
     reckless, ridiculous, self-annulling, self-contradictory,
     self-refuting, senseless, short-sighted, shortsighted, silly,
     skyrocketing, sophistic, spiraling, steep, stiff, stupid,
     temperamental, thoughtless, too much, ultrazealous, unadvised,
     unallowable, unapt, unauthentic, unbefitting, unbridled,
     uncalled-for, unconnected, unconscionable, unconsidered,
     undiscerning, undue, unequal, unfair, unforeseeing, unforgivable,
     unjust, unjustifiable, unjustified, unlawful, unpardonable,
     unperceiving, unperceptive, unphilosophical, unrealistic,
     unreflecting, unreflective, unrestrained, unscientific, unseeing,
     unsensible, unsound, unsuitable, unthinking, unthoughtful,
     unwarrantable, unwarranted, unwise, usurious, vagarious, vagrant,
     wanton, wayward, whimsical, wild-eyed, wild-looking,
     without reason, witless, wrongful, zealotic

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