Unorganized definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unorganized \Un*or"gan*ized\, a.
     Not organized; being without organic structure; specifically
     (Biol.), not having the different tissues and organs
     characteristic of living organisms, nor the power of growth
     and development; as, the unorganized ferments. See the Note
     under {Ferment}, n., 1.

     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: not having or belonging to a structured whole; "unorganized
              territories lack a formal government" [syn: {unorganised}]
              [ant: {organized}]
       2: not affiliated in a trade union; "the workers in the plant
          were unorganized" [syn: {unorganised}, {nonunionized}, {nonunionised}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  117 Moby Thesaurus words for "unorganized":
     ad-lib, aimless, amorphic, amorphous, anarchic, baggy, blobby,
     blurred, blurry, capricious, casual, caught napping,
     caught off balance, caught short, chaotic, characterless, confused,
     desultory, disarticulated, disconnected, discontinuous, disjointed,
     disjunct, disordered, disorderly, dispersed, disproportionate,
     erratic, extemporaneous, extemporized, featureless, fitful,
     formless, frivolous, fuzzy, gratuitous, haphazard, hasty, hazy,
     hit-or-miss, immethodical, impromptu, improvised, inchoate,
     incoherent, indecisive, indefinite, indeterminate, indiscriminate,
     inform, inorganic, irregular, kaleidoscopic, lumpen, makeshift,
     meaningless, mineral, misshapen, misty, muddled, nonbiological,
     nondescript, nonorganic, nonsymmetrical, nonsystematic, nonuniform,
     obscure, orderless, planless, precipitate, promiscuous, random,
     rough-and-ready, senseless, shapeless, snap, spasmodic, sporadic,
     straggling, straggly, surprised, systemless, taken aback,
     taken by surprise, taken unawares, tripped up, unarranged, unbegun,
     unclassified, unclear, unconcocted, unconnected, uncontrived,
     undefined, undeliberated, undevised, undirected, ungraded,
     unhatched, unjoined, unmade, unmanufactured, unmethodical,
     unordered, unorganic, unplanned, unpremeditated, unprepared,
     unprimed, unready, unsorted, unstudied, unsymmetrical,
     unsystematic, ununiform, vague, wandering

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