Unobjectionable definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unobjectionable \Unobjectionable\
     See {objectionable}.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable
              elements; fit for all observers; "good clean fun"; "a
              clean joke" [syn: {clean}] [ant: {dirty}]
       2: not causing disapproval; "it was an innocuous remark";
          "confined himself to innocuous generalities";
          "unobjectionable behavior" [syn: {innocuous}]
       3: not objectionable; "the ends are unobjectionable; it's the
          means that one can't accept"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  78 Moby Thesaurus words for "unobjectionable":
     OK, above suspicion, acceptable, adequate, admissible, adorable,
     agreeable, all right, allowable, alright, appetizing, attractive,
     better than nothing, condonable, decent, defensible, desirable,
     dispensable, enviable, exciting, excusable, exemptible, expiable,
     fair, fairish, forgivable, good enough, goodish, inculpable,
     inoffensive, irreprehensible, irreproachable, irreprovable,
     justifiable, legitimate, likable, lovable, moderate,
     mouth-watering, not amiss, not bad, not half bad, not so bad, okay,
     pardonable, passable, pleasing, presentable, pretty good,
     provocative, reasonable, remissible, respectable, satisfactory,
     seductive, sufficient, taking, tantalizing, tempting, tenable,
     tidy, to be desired, tolerable, toothsome, unarraignable,
     unblamable, unblameworthy, uncensurable, unexceptionable,
     unimpeachable, unindictable, venial, viable, vindicable,
     warrantable, winning, workmanlike, worth having

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