Unnatural definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unnatural \Un*nat"u*ral\ (?; 135), a.
     Not natural; contrary, or not conforming, to the order of
     nature; being without natural traits; as, unnatural crimes.
     [1913 Webster]
     Syn: See {Factitious}.

          [1913 Webster] -- {Un*nat"u*ral*ly}, adv. --
          {Un*nat"u*ral*ness}, n.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: not in accordance with or determined by nature; contrary to
              nature; "an unnatural death"; "the child's unnatural
              interest in death" [ant: {natural}]
       2: speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an
          impression [syn: {affected}] [ant: {unaffected}]
       3: distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and
          hideous; "tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long
          that churned the seas"; "twisted into monstrous shapes"
          [syn: {grotesque}, {monstrous}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  174 Moby Thesaurus words for "unnatural":
     Gongoresque, Gongoristic, Marinistic, aberrant, abnormal, affected,
     amorphous, anomalistic, anomalous, apocryphal, artificial, assumed,
     bastard, bent, bestial, bizarre, bogus, brummagem, callous,
     calloused, cold, cold of heart, coldblooded, coldhearted,
     colorable, colored, contrived, counterfeit, counterfeited, crank,
     crankish, cranky, crotchety, deviant, deviative, different,
     distorted, divergent, dotty, dressed up, dummy, eccentric,
     elaborate, elaborated, embellished, embroidered, erratic, ersatz,
     euphuistic, exceptional, extraordinary, factitious, fake, faked,
     false, falsified, feigned, fey, fictitious, fictive, flaky,
     flinthearted, forced, formless, freakish, funny, garbled,
     grotesque, hard, hard of heart, hardened, hardhearted, heartless,
     heteroclite, heteromorphic, histrionic, hyperelegant, idiocratic,
     idiosyncratic, illegitimate, imitation, improper, insensitive,
     insincere, irregular, junky, kinky, kooky, la-di-da, labored,
     maggoty, make-believe, man-made, maniere, mannered, mock,
     monstrous, nutty, obdurate, odd, oddball, out of character,
     outlandish, overacted, overdone, overelaborate, overelegant,
     overnice, overrefined, peculiar, perverse, perverted, phony,
     pinchbeck, precieuse, precieux, precious, pretended, pretentious,
     preternatural, pseudo, put-on, quasi, queer, quirky, restrained,
     screwball, screwy, self-conscious, self-styled, sham, shapeless,
     shoddy, simulated, singular, so-called, soi-disant, spurious,
     stagy, stiff, stilted, stonyhearted, strange, stray, straying,
     studied, subnormal, supernatural, supposititious, synthetic,
     theatrical, tin, tinsel, titivated, tribadistic, twisted,
     unaccountable, unauthentic, uncanny, uncharacteristic,
     unconventional, unexpected, unfeeling, ungenuine, unmerciful,
     unreal, unresponsive, unseemly, unusual, wacky, wandering, warped,
     weird, whimsical

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