Unattended definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unattended \Unattended\
     See {attended}.

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:


       adj 1: not watched; "she dashed out leaving the bar unattended"; "a
              fire left unattended"
       2: lacking accompaniment or a guard or escort; "unattended
          women"; "problems unattended with danger"
       3: lacking a caretaker; "a neglected child"; "many casualties
          were lying unattended" [syn: {neglected}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  92 Moby Thesaurus words for "unattended":
     abandoned, alienated, alone, aloof, apart, asunder, bare-handed,
     bipartite, companionless, defenseless, deserted, detached,
     dichotomous, discontinuous, discrete, disregarded, distinct,
     divergent, friendless, guardless, half-done, helpless, homeless,
     ignored, in two, incoherent, insular, isolated, kithless,
     laid aside, left undone, lone, lonely, lonesome, missed, neglected,
     noncohesive, omitted, overlooked, partitioned, passed by,
     passed over, passed up, pigeonholed, put aside, removed, rootless,
     separate, separated, shunted, sidelined, sidetracked,
     single-handed, slighted, solitary, solo, unabetted, unaccompanied,
     unaided, unarmed, unarmored, unasked, unassisted, unassociated,
     unattached, unattended to, uncared-for, unchaperoned, unconnected,
     unconsidered, uncovered, undefended, undone, unescorted,
     unfortified, ungarrisoned, unguarded, unjoined, unprotected,
     unregarded, unscreened, unseconded, unsheltered, unshielded,
     unsolicited, unsupported, unsuspecting, untended, unwarned,
     unwatched, weaponless, withdrawn

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