Unasked definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unasked \Unasked\
     See {asked}.

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:


       adj 1: not asked for; "unasked advice"
       2: without being invited; "an unwanted intrusion"; "uninvited
          guests" [syn: {uninvited}, {unwanted}]
       3: not invited or requested; "unbidden guests"; "comments unbid
          and unwelcome" [syn: {unbid}, {unbidden}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  90 Moby Thesaurus words for "unasked":
     abandoned, arbitrary, arrogant, autonomous, deserted, discretional,
     discretionary, disregarded, elective, free, free will, gratuitous,
     half-done, ignored, impregnable, impudent, independent,
     indomitable, inexpugnable, invulnerable, laid aside, left undone,
     missed, neglected, nonmandatory, offered, omitted, optional,
     overbearing, overlooked, passed by, passed over, passed up,
     pigeonholed, presumptuous, proffered, put aside, self-acting,
     self-active, self-determined, self-determining, shunted, sidelined,
     sidetracked, slighted, spontaneous, stalwart, stout, strong,
     sturdy, tenacious, tough, unacceptable, unagreeable, unasked-for,
     unassailable, unattended to, unbeatable, unbesought, unbidden,
     uncalled-for, uncared-for, unchaperoned, uncoerced, uncompelled,
     unconquerable, unconsidered, undefeatable, undesirable, undesired,
     undone, unforced, uninfluenced, uninvited, unpressured, unprompted,
     unregarded, unrequested, unrequired, unsolicited, unsought,
     untended, unwanted, unwatched, unwelcome, unwished, voluntary,
     volunteer, wanton, willful

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