Unaffected definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Unaffected \Un`af*fect"ed\, a.
     1. Not affected or moved; destitute of affection or emotion;
        [1913 Webster]
              A poor, cold, unspirited, unmannered,

              Unhonest, unaffected, undone fool.    --J. Fletcher.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Free from affectation; plain; simple; natural; real;
        sincere; genuine; as, unaffected sorrow.
        [1913 Webster] -- {Un`af*fect"ed*ly}, adv. --
        {Un`af*fect"ed*ness}, n.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: undergoing no change when acted upon; "entirely unaffected
              by each other's writings"; "fibers remained apparently
              unaffected by the treatment" [ant: {affected}]
       2: (followed by `to' or `by') unaware of or indifferent to;
          "insensible to the suffering around him" [syn: {insensible(p)},
       3: free of artificiality; sincere and genuine; "an unaffected
          grace" [ant: {affected}]
       4: not touched emotionally; "was left untouched by the music"
          [syn: {unaffected(p)}, {untouched(p)}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  224 Moby Thesaurus words for "unaffected":
     Attic, Bohemian, Ciceronian, Spartan, adamant, adamantine,
     aesthetic, affable, arcadian, artistic, artless, ascetic, austere,
     authentic, bald, bare, bona fide, bucolic, candid, card-carrying,
     cast-iron, casual, chaste, choice, classic, clear, common,
     commonplace, cordial, degage, dinkum, direct, dour, dry, dull,
     easy, easygoing, elegant, excellent, familiar, finished, firm,
     flinty, folksy, following the letter, frank, free and easy,
     genuine, good, graceful, gracile, gracious, grim, guileless, hard,
     hard-core, haymish, homely, homespun, homey, honest, honest-to-God,
     immovable, immutable, implacable, impliable, in good taste,
     inartificial, inelastic, inexorable, inflexible, informal,
     ingenuous, intransigent, iron, irreconcilable, irregular, lawful,
     lean, legitimate, lifelike, limpid, literal, loose, lucid, native,
     natural, naturalistic, naturelike, neat, of choice, of quality,
     offhand, offhanded, open, original, pastoral, pellucid,
     perspicuous, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, pleasing,
     polished, prosaic, prosing, prosy, pure, quiet, real, realistic,
     refined, relaxed, relentless, restrained, rightful, rigid,
     rigorous, rock-ribbed, round, rural, rustic, severe, simon-pure,
     simple, simple-speaking, sincere, sober, sociable, spare, stark,
     steely, sterling, stern, stiff, straightforward, subdued,
     sure-enough, tasteful, terse, trim, true to life, true to nature,
     true to reality, unadorned, unadulterated, unalterable, unanimated,
     unartificial, unassumed, unassuming, unbeguileful, unbeguiling,
     unbending, uncalculating, unceremonious, unchangeable, uncolored,
     uncompromising, unconcocted, unconstrained, unconventional,
     uncopied, uncounterfeited, undeceitful, undeceiving, undeceptive,
     understated, undesigning, undisguised, undisguising, undissembling,
     undissimulated, undissimulating, undistorted, unembellished,
     unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfeigned, unfeigning,
     unfictitious, unflattering, ungiving, unimaginative, unimagined,
     unimitated, unimpressed, uninfluenced, uninspired, uninvented,
     unlabored, unmoved, unobtrusive, unofficial, unpoetical,
     unpretended, unpretending, unpretentious, unqualified, unrelenting,
     unromantic, unruffled, unschooled, unsimulated, unsophisticated,
     unspecious, unspoiled, unstirred, unstruck, unstudied, unswayed,
     unsynthetic, untouched, untrimmed, untutored, unvarnished,
     unyielding, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, well-chosen,

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