Symposium definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Symposium \Sym*po"si*um\, n.; pl. {Symposia}. [L., fr. Gr.
     sympo`sion a drinking party, feast; sy`n with + po`sis a
     drinking. See {Syn-}, and cf. {Potable}.]
     1. A drinking together; a merry feast. --T. Warton.
        [1913 Webster]

     2. A collection of short essays by different authors on a
        common topic; -- so called from the appellation given to
        the philosophical dialogue by the Greeks.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n : a meeting or conference for the public discussion of some
           topic especially one in which the participants form an
           audience and make presentations
       [also: {symposia} (pl)]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  140 Moby Thesaurus words for "symposium":
     Festschrift, airing, album, ana, analects, analysis, anthology,
     assemblee, assembly, assignation, at home, bacchanal, bacchanalia,
     bacchanalian, ball, bat, beauties, bender, binge, bout, brawl,
     bust, buzz session, canon, canvassing, carousal, carouse, caucus,
     celebration, chrestomathy, collectanea, collected works,
     collection, colloquium, commission, committee, compilation,
     complete works, compotation, conclave, concourse, conference,
     congregation, congress, consideration, conventicle, convention,
     convocation, council, dance, date, debate, debating, debauch,
     delectus, deliberation, dialectic, dialogue, diet, discussion,
     drinking, drinking bout, drunk, drunken carousal, drunkenness,
     eisteddfod, examination, exchange of views, festivity, fete,
     florilegium, flowers, forgathering, forum, garden, garland,
     gathering, get-together, gulping, guzzle, guzzling, housewarming,
     imbibing, imbibition, investigation, jag, joint discussion,
     lapping, levee, logical analysis, logical discussion, meet,
     meeting, miscellanea, miscellany, nipping, omnibus,
     open discussion, open forum, orgy, panel, panel discussion, party,
     photograph album, plenum, potation, prom, pub-crawl, pulling,
     quaffing, quorum, quotation book, rally, rap, rap session,
     reception, rendezvous, review, scrapbook, seance, seminar, session,
     shindig, sit-in, sitting, slipping, soiree, spree, study, swigging,
     swilling, synod, tasting, tear, toot, town meeting, treatment,
     turnout, ventilation, wassail

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