Repetition definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Repetition \Rep`e*ti"tion\ (r[e^]p`[-e]-t[i^]sh"[u^]n), n. [L.
     repetitio: cf. F. r['e]p['e]tition. See {Repeat}.]
     1. The act of repeating; a doing or saying again; iteration.
        [1913 Webster]
              I need not be barren of accusations; he hath faults,

              with surplus to tire in repetition.   --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Recital from memory; rehearsal.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. (Mus.) The act of repeating, singing, or playing, the same
        piece or part a second time; reiteration of a note.
        [1913 Webster]
     4. (Rhet.) Reiteration, or repeating the same word, or the
        same sense in different words, for the purpose of making a
        deeper impression on the audience.
        [1913 Webster]
     5. (Astron. & Surv.) The measurement of an angle by
        successive observations with a repeating instrument.
        [1913 Webster]
     Syn: Iteration; rehearsal. See {Tautology}.
          [1913 Webster] Repetitional

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: an event that repeats; "the events today were a repeat of
            yesterday's" [syn: {repeat}]
       2: the act of doing or performing again [syn: {repeating}]
       3: the repeated use of the same word or word pattern as a
          rhetorical device

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  139 Moby Thesaurus words for "repetition":
     ceaselessness, chattering, clockwork regularity, clone,
     conduplication, constancy, constant flow, continualness,
     continuance, continuation, continuity, copy, copying,
     counterfeiting, counterpart, ditto, double, doubling, dupe,
     duplicate, duplication, echo, echoing, emulation, endurance,
     evenness, extension, facsimile, fakery, following, forgery,
     gemination, hit-off, imitation, impersonation, imposture,
     impression, incessancy, ingemination, iteration, lengthening,
     maintenance, methodicalness, mimesis, mirroring, model,
     noninterruption, onomatopoeia, oscillation, palingenesis, parody,
     perpetuation, perpetuity, perseverance, persistence, plagiarism,
     plagiary, progress, progression, prolongation, protraction,
     pulsation, punctuality, pursuance, quadruplicate, quick fire,
     rapid fire, rapid recurrence, rapid succession, rapidity,
     re-creation, re-formation, rebirth, rebuilding, recapitulation,
     recital, reconstitution, reconstruction, redesign, redoing,
     redundancies, redundancy, reduplication, reedition,
     reestablishment, refashioning, regeneration, regenesis, regularity,
     rehearsal, reinstitution, reissue, reiteration, remaking,
     renascence, renovation, reorganization, repeat, repeating, replica,
     replication, representation, reprinting, reprise, reproduction,
     rerun, reshaping, restatement, restoration, restructuring,
     resurrection, retelling, revision, revival, run, simulation,
     smoothness, staccato, staying power, steadiness, straight course,
     stuttering, sustained action, sustainment, sustenance,
     systematicalness, takeoff, tattoo, tautologies, tautology,
     triplicate, twinning, uniformity, unintermission,
     uninterrupted course, uninterruption, unremittingness, vibration,

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  REPETITION, construction of wills. A repetition takes place when the same 
  testator, by the same testamentary instrument, gives to the same legatee 
  legacies of equal amount and of the same kind; in such case the latter is 
  considered a repetition of the former, and the legatee is entitled to one 
  only. For example, a testator gives to a legatee "œ30 a year during his 
  life;" and in another part of the will he gives to the same legatee "an 
  annuity of œ3O for his life payable quarterly," he is entitled to only one 
  annuity of thirty pounds a year. 4 Ves. 79, 90; 1 Bro. C. C. 30, note. 

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  REPETITION, civil law. The act by which a person demands and seeks to 
  recover what he has paid by mistake, or delivered on a condition which has 
  not been performed. Dig. 12, 4, 5. The name of an action which lies to 
  recover the payment which has been made by mistake, when nothing was due. 
       2. Repetition is never admitted in relation to natural obligations 
  which have been voluntarily acquitted, if the debtor had capacity to give 
  his consent. 6 Toull. n. 386. The same rule obtains in our law. A person who 
  has voluntarily acquitted a natural or even a moral obligation, cannot 
  recover back the money by an action for money had and received, or any other 
  form of action. D. & R. N. P. C. 254; 2 T. R. 763; 7 T. R. 269; 4 Ad. & Ell. 
  858; 1 P. & D. 253; 2 L. R. 431; Cowp. 290; 3 B. & P. 249, note; 2 East, R. 
  506; 3 Taunt. R. 311; 5 Taunt. R. 36; Yelv. 41, b, note; 3 Pick. R. 207; 13 
  John. It. 259. 
       3. In order to entitle the payer to recover back money paid by mistake 
  it must have been paid by him to a person to whom he did not owe it, for 
  otherwise he cannot recover it back, the creditor having in such case the 
  just right to retain the money. Repetitio nulla est ab eo qui suum recepit. 
       4. How far money paid under a mistake of law is liable to repetition, 
  has been discussed by civilians, and opinions on this subject are divided. 2 
  Poth. Ob. by Evans, 369, 408 to 487; 1 Story, Eq. Pl. Sec. 111, note 2. 

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  REPETITION, Scotch law. The act of reading over a witness deposition, in 
  order that he may adhere to it, or correct it at his choice. The same as 
  Recolement, (q.v.) in the French law. 2 Benth. on Ev. B. 3, c. 12, p. 239. 

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