Relentless definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Relentless \Re*lent"less\, a.
     Unmoved by appeals for sympathy or forgiveness; insensible to
     the distresses of others; destitute of tenderness;
     unrelenting; unyielding; unpitying; as, a prey to relentless
     [1913 Webster]

           For this the avenging power employs his darts, . . .
           Thus will persist, relentless in his ire. --Dryden.
     [1913 Webster] -- {Re*lent"less*ly}, adv. --
     {Re*lent"less*ness}, n.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; "grim
              determination"; "grim necessity"; "Russia's final
              hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable
              certainty"; "relentless persecution"; "the stern
              demands of parenthood" [syn: {grim}, {inexorable}, {stern},
               {unappeasable}, {unforgiving}, {unrelenting}]
       2: never-ceasing; "the relentless beat of the drums" [syn: {persistent},

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  204 Moby Thesaurus words for "relentless":
     adamant, adamantine, ardent, assiduous, bound,
     bound and determined, bowelless, cast-iron, ceaseless, certain,
     committed, constant, continual, continuing, continuous, cruel,
     decided, decisive, dedicated, definite, determined, devoted,
     diligent, dog-eat-dog, dogged, dour, earnest, enduring, energetic,
     faithful, fated, fateful, ferocious, fervent, fierce, firm, flinty,
     fundamentalist, grim, habitual, hard, hard-core, hardworking,
     harsh, heartless, hidebound, immovable, immutable, implacable,
     impliable, inalterable, incessant, inclement, indefatigable,
     indefeasible, indomitable, industrious, inelastic, ineluctable,
     inescapable, inevasible, inevitable, inexorable, inflexible,
     inhuman, insistent, intractable, intransigent, invincible, iron,
     ironbound, ironclad, ironhanded, irreconcilable, irresistible,
     irrevocable, laborious, lasting, loyal, merciless, mortal,
     muscle-bound, necessary, never idle, never-tiring, obdurate,
     obstinate, orthodox, patient, patient as Job, permanent, perpetual,
     perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious,
     pitiless, plodding, plugging, preoccupied, procrustean, purist,
     puristic, puritan, puritanic, purposeful, rapt, regular,
     remorseless, resistless, resolute, resolved, rigid, rigorist,
     rigoristic, rigorous, rock-ribbed, rockbound, ruthless, sedulous,
     serious, sincere, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, stable,
     steadfast, steady, steely, stern, stiff, stiff-necked,
     straightlaced, straitlaced, strenuous, strict, stringent, stubborn,
     sure, sure as death, sure as fate, tenacious, tireless, tough,
     unabated, unabating, unaffected, unalterable, unappeasable,
     unavoidable, unbending, unbroken, unceasing, unchangeable,
     uncompassionate, uncompassioned, uncompromising, unconquerable,
     uncontrollable, undaunted, undeflectable, undeviating,
     undiscouraged, undrooping, unfailing, unfaltering, unfeeling,
     unflagging, unflinching, unforgiving, ungiving, unintermitting,
     uninterrupted, unmerciful, unmoved, unmoving, unnodding, unpitiful,
     unpitying, unpreventable, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unrelieved,
     unremitting, unremorseful, unsleeping, unsparing, unstoppable,
     unswerving, unsympathetic, unsympathizing, untiring, unwavering,
     unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, unyielding, utterly attentive,
     vehement, weariless, wholehearted, without mercy, zealous

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