Reciprocity definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Reciprocity \Rec`i*proc"i*ty\ (r[e^]s`[i^]*pr[o^]s"[i^]*t[y^]),
     n. [Cf. F. r['e]ciprocit['e]. See {Reciprocal}.]
     1. Mutual action and reaction.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Reciprocal advantages, obligations, or rights;

        [1913 Webster]
     {Reciprocity treaty}, or {Treaty of reciprocity}, a treaty
        concluded between two countries, conferring equal
        privileges as regards customs or charges on imports, or in
        other respects.
        [1913 Webster]
     Syn: Reciprocation; interchange; mutuality.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a relation of mutual dependence or action or influence [syn:
       2: mutual exchange of commercial or other privileges

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  137 Moby Thesaurus words for "reciprocity":
     accord, accordance, affinity, agape, agreement, alternation, amity,
     balance, battledore and shuttlecock, bipartisanship,
     bonds of harmony, brotherly love, caritas, cement of friendship,
     charity, coaction, coadjuvancy, coadministration, coagency,
     cochairmanship, codirectorship, coequality, collaboration,
     collaborativeness, collectivism, collusion, commensalism,
     common effort, common enterprise, communalism, communion,
     communism, communitarianism, community, community of interests,
     commutation, compatibility, complicity, concert, concord,
     concordance, concurrence, congeniality, cooperation,
     cooperativeness, corelation, correlation, correlativism,
     correlativity, correspondence, counterchange, cross fire, duet,
     duumvirate, ecumenicalism, ecumenicism, ecumenism, empathy,
     equilibrium, equipollence, equivalence, esprit, esprit de corps,
     exchange, feeling of identity, fellow feeling, fellowship,
     frictionlessness, give-and-take, good vibes, good vibrations,
     happy family, harmony, identity, interchange, intermutation,
     interplay, inverse proportion, inverse ratio, inverse relationship,
     joining of forces, joint effort, joint operation, kinship,
     lex talionis, like-mindedness, love, mass action,
     measure for measure, morale, mutual admiration, mutual assistance,
     mutual support, mutual transfer, mutualism, mutuality, octet,
     oneness, peace, permutation, pooling, pooling of resources,
     proportionality, pulling together, quartet, quid pro quo, quintet,
     rapport, rapprochement, reciprocality, reciprocation, relativity,
     retaliation, septet, sextet, sharing, solidarity,
     something for something, symbiosis, symmetry, sympathy, symphony,
     synergism, synergy, team spirit, teamwork, tit for tat, transposal,
     transposition, trio, triumvirate, troika, understanding, union,
     unison, united action, unity

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  RECIPROCITY. Mutuality; state, quality or character of that which is 
       2. The states of the Union are bound to many acts of reciprocity. The 
  constitution requires that they shall deliver to each other fugitives from 
  justice; that the records of one state, properly authenticated, shall have 
  full credit in the other states; that the citizens of one state shall be 
  citizens of any state into which they may remove. In some of the states, as 
  in Pennsylvania, the rule with regard to the effect of a discharge under the 
  insolvent laws of another state, are reciprocated; the discharges of those 
  courts which respect the discharges of the courts of Pennsylvania, are 
  respected in that state. 

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