Provocation definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Provocation \Prov`o*ca"tion\, n. [F. provocation, L. provocatio.
     See {Provoke}.]
     1. The act of provoking, or causing vexation or, anger.
        [1913 Webster]

     2. That which provokes, or excites anger; the cause of
        resentment; as, to give provocation. --Paley.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. Incitement; stimulus; as, provocation to mirth.
        [1913 Webster]
     4. (Law) Such prior insult or injury as may be supposed,
        under the circumstances, to create hot blood, and to
        excuse an assault made in retort or redress.
        [1913 Webster]
     5. An appeal to a court.
     Note: [A Latinism] [Obs.] --Ayliffe.
           [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment [syn: {aggravation},
       2: something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or
          stirring to action [syn: {incitement}, {incitation}]
       3: needed encouragement; "the result was a provocation of
          vigorous investigation" [syn: {incitement}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  21 Moby Thesaurus words for "provocation":
     bothering, cause, grounds, harassment, incentive, incitement,
     inducement, initiation, instigation, insult, irking, irritation,
     justification, motivation, motive, provoking, reason, stimulus,
     taunt, vexation, vexing

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  PROVOCATION. The act of inciting another to do something. 
       2. Provocation simply, unaccompanied by a crime or misdemeanor, does 
  not justify the person provoked to commit an assault and battery. In cases 
  of homicide, it may reduce the offence from murder to manslaughter. But when 
  the provocation is given for the purpose of justifying or excusing an 
  intended murder, and the party provoked is killed, it is no justification. 2 
  Gilb. Ev. by Lofft, 753. 
       3. The unjust provocation by a wife of her husband, in consequence of 
  which she suffers from his ill usage, will not entitle her to a divorce on 
  the ground of cruelty; her remedy, in such cases, is by changing her 
  manners. 2 Lee,, R. 172; 1 Hagg. Cons. Rep. 155. Vide Cruelty; To Persuade; 
  1 Russ. on Cr. B. 3, c. 1, s. 1, page 434, and B. 3, c. 3, s. 1, pa e 486; 1 
  East, P. C. 232 to 241. 

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