Prosaic definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Prosaic \Pro*sa"ic\, Prosaical \Pro*sa"ic*al\, a. [L. prosaius,
     from prosa prose: cf. F,. prosa["i]que. See {Prose}.]
     1. Of or pertaining to prose; resembling prose; in the form
        of prose; unpoetical; writing or using prose; as, a
        prosaic composition. --Cudworth.
        [1913 Webster]

     2. Dull; uninteresting; commonplace; unimaginative; prosy;
        as, a prosaic person. --Ed. Rev.
        [1913 Webster] -- {Pro*sa"ic*al*ly}, adv. --
        {Pro*sa"ic*al*ness}, n.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: not fanciful or imaginative; "local guides describe the
              history of various places in matter-of-fact tones"; "a
              prosaic and unimaginative essay" [syn: {matter-of-fact}]
       2: lacking wit or imagination; "a pedestrian movie plot" [syn:
          {pedestrian}, {prosy}, {earthbound}]
       3: not challenging; dull and lacking excitement; "an
          unglamorous job greasing engines" [syn: {commonplace}, {humdrum},
           {unglamorous}, {unglamourous}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  126 Moby Thesaurus words for "prosaic":
     Attic, Spartan, actual, arid, ascetic, austere, bald, banal,
     banausic, bare, barren, bland, boring, breadwinning, businesslike,
     candid, characterless, chaste, classic, classical, cliched,
     commercial, common, commonplace, dead, direct, drab, dry, dull,
     earthbound, everyday, factual, flat, frank, garden, garden-variety,
     hackneyed, ho-hum, homely, homespun, household, humdrum, infecund,
     infertile, insipid, irksome, jejune, lackluster, lean, lifeless,
     literal, lowly, lusterless, materialistic, matter-of-fact,
     mediocre, moneymaking, monotonous, mouldy, mundane, natural, neat,
     nondescript, open, ordinary, overdone, pedestrian, plain,
     plain-speaking, plain-spoken, poetryless, practicable, practical,
     prose, prosing, prosy, pure, pure and simple, realistic, routine,
     run-of-the-mill, rustic, severe, simple, simple-speaking, sober,
     spare, staid, stale, stark, stereotyped, stock, stolid,
     straightforward, stuffy, tedious, threadbare, tired, tiresome,
     trite, unadorned, unaffected, undistinguished, unembellished,
     uneventful, unexceptional, unfanciful, unideal, unidealistic,
     unimaginative, unimpassioned, uninspired, uninteresting,
     uninventive, unnoteworthy, unoriginal, unpoetic, unpoetical,
     unromantic, unromanticized, unvarnished, utilitarian, vapid,
     workaday, workday, working

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