Profundity definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Profundity \Pro*fun"di*ty\, n.; pl. {-ties}. [L. profunditas:
     cf. F. profondite. See {Profound}.]
     The quality or state of being profound; depth of place,
     knowledge, feeling, etc. "The vast profundity obscure."
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound; "the
            anthropologist was impressed by the reconditeness of the
            native proverbs" [syn: {reconditeness}, {abstruseness},
            {abstrusity}, {profoundness}]
       2: intellectual depth; penetrating knowledge; keen insight;
          etc; "the depth of my feeling"; "the profoundness of the
          silence" [syn: {profoundness}] [ant: {superficiality}]
       3: the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas
          [syn: {astuteness}, {profoundness}, {depth}]
       4: the quality of being physically deep; "the profundity of the
          mine was almost a mile" [syn: {deepness}, {profoundness}]
          [ant: {shallowness}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  68 Moby Thesaurus words for "profundity":
     Sophia, abstruseness, abyss, acumen, ampleness, astuteness,
     bigness, bottomlessness, broad-mindedness, broadness,
     capaciousness, complexity, complication, comprehensiveness,
     copiousness, crabbedness, crampedness, deep-downness,
     deep-rootedness, deep-seatedness, deepness, depth, difficulty,
     discernment, erudition, esoterica, expansiveness, extensiveness,
     extreme innerness, fathomlessness, generousness,
     good understanding, grandeur, grandiosity, grandness, greatness,
     hardness, incomprehensibility, indecipherability, inscrutability,
     interiority, intricacy, involvement, keenness, knottiness,
     knowledgeability, largeness, mellow wisdom, obscurity,
     plumblessness, profoundness, reconditeness, ripe wisdom, sagacity,
     sageness, sapience, scholarliness, scholarship,
     seasoned understanding, sharpness, sound understanding,
     spaciousness, subterraneity, subtlety, tallness, wideness, wisdom,

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