Profitable definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Profitable \Prof"it*a*ble\, a. [F. profitable.]
     Yielding or bringing profit or gain; gainful; lucrative;
     useful; helpful; advantageous; beneficial; as, a profitable
     trade; profitable business; a profitable study or profession.
     [1913 Webster]

           What was so profitable to the empire became fatal to
           emperor.                                 --Arbuthnot.
     [1913 Webster] -- {Prof"it*a*ble*ness}, n. --
     {Prof"it*a*bly}, adv.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: yielding material gain or profit; "profitable speculation on
              the stock market" [ant: {unprofitable}]
       2: promoting benefit or gain; "a profitable meeting to resolve
       3: providing profit; "a profitable conversation"
       4: productive of profit; "a profitable enterprise"; "a fruitful
          meeting" [syn: {fruitful}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  107 Moby Thesaurus words for "profitable":
     advantageous, advisable, aidful, appropriate, auspicious, banausic,
     becoming, befitting, beneficial, benevolent, bon, bonny, braw,
     breadwinning, bueno, capital, cogent, commendable, compensating,
     compensative, compensatory, conducive, congruous, constructive,
     contributory, convenient, decent, desirable, effective, elegant,
     estimable, excellent, expedient, fair, famous, fat, favorable,
     feasible, felicitous, fine, fit, fitten, fitting, fructuous,
     fruitful, furthersome, gainful, good, good for, goodly, grand,
     happy, healthy, helpful, kind, laudable, likely, lucrative, meet,
     moneymaking, nice, noble, of value, opportune, paying, pleasant,
     politic, positive, productive, proper, recommendable, regal,
     remedial, remunerative, reparative, repaying, retributive,
     retributory, rewardful, rewarding, right, royal, salutary,
     satisfying, seasonable, seemly, serviceable, skillful, sortable,
     sound, splendid, suitable, therapeutic, timely, to be desired,
     useful, utilitarian, valid, valuable, very good, virtuous,
     well-paying, well-spent, well-timed, wise, worthwhile,
     yielding a return

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