Precious definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Precious \Pre"cious\, a. [OF. precious, precius, precios, F.
     pr['e]cieux, L. pretiosus, fr. pretium price, worth, value.
     See {Price}.]
     1. Of great price; costly; as, a precious stone. "The
        precious bane." --Milton.
        [1913 Webster]

     2. Of great value or worth; very valuable; highly esteemed;
        dear; beloved; as, precious recollections.
        [1913 Webster]
              She is more precious than rules.      --Prov. iii.
        [1913 Webster]
              Many things which are most precious are neglected
              only because the value of them lieth hid. --Hooker.
        [1913 Webster]
     Note: Also used ironically; as, a precious rascal.
           [1913 Webster]
     3. Particular; fastidious; overnice; overrefined. Cf.
        {Pr['e]cieuse}, {Preciosity}.
        [1913 Webster]
              Lest that precious folk be with me wroth. --Chaucer.
        [1913 Webster]
              Elaborate embroidery of precious language.
        [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
     {Precious metals}, the uncommon and highly valuable metals,
        esp. gold and silver.
     {Precious stones}, gems; jewels.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for; "a
              cherished friend"; "children are precious"; "a
              treasured heirloom"; "so good to feel wanted" [syn: {cherished},
               {treasured}, {wanted}]
       2: of high worth or cost; "diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and
          emeralds are precious stones"
       3: obviously contrived to charm; "an insufferably precious
          performance"; "a child with intolerably cute mannerisms"
          [syn: {cute}]
       adv : extremely; "there is precious little time left" [syn: {preciously}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  173 Moby Thesaurus words for "precious":
     Gongoresque, Gongoristic, Marinistic, absolute, admired, adored,
     affected, alembicated, angel, arrant, artful, artificial, babe,
     baby, baby-doll, beloved, beyond price, buttercup, cherished,
     cherub, chichi, chick, chickabiddy, choice, choosy, classical,
     complete, consummate, costly, crass, darling, dear, dearly beloved,
     deary, decided, definitive, doll, downright, duck, duckling,
     effete, egregious, elaborate, elaborated, elegant, esteemed,
     euphemistic, euphuistic, exact, expensive, exquisite, fastidious,
     favorite, finicky, flagrant, formalistic, fussy, glaring, golden,
     good as gold, goody good-good, goody-goody, gross, hallowed,
     held dear, high-priced, hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child,
     hyperelegant, idolized, inestimable, intolerable, invaluable,
     irreplaceable, la-di-da, lamb, lambkin, love, loved, lover,
     mannered, methodical, meticulous, mincing, namby-pamby, nice,
     of great price, orderly, ostentatious, out-and-out, outright,
     overdone, overelaborate, overelegant, overnice, overprecise,
     overrefined, particular, pedantic, perfect, persnickety, pet,
     petkins, picky, popular, positive, precieuse, precieux,
     precious heart, precise, precisian, precisianistic, precisionist,
     precisionistic, pretentious, priceless, pricey, prized, profound,
     pronounced, proper, punctilious, puristic, rank, rare, recherche,
     regular, revered, rich, scrupulous, shattering, shocking, showy,
     simpering, snookums, sophisticated, squeamish, stark,
     stark-staring, studied, sugar, superlative, surpassing, sweet,
     sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, the veriest, thorough,
     thoroughgoing, total, treasured, unbearable, unconscionable,
     undeniable, unequivocal, unmitigated, unnatural, unqualified,
     unrelieved, unspoiled, utter, valuable, valued, venerable,
     venerated, well-beloved, well-liked, white-haired, worthy

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