Perseverance definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Perseverance \Per`se*ver"ance\ (p[~e]r`s[-e]*v[=e]r"ans), n. [F.
     pers['e]v['e]rance, L. perseverantia.]
     1. The act of persevering; persistence in anything
        undertaken; continued pursuit or prosecution of any
        business, or enterprise begun. "The king-becoming graces .
        . . perseverance, mercy, lowliness." --Shak.

        [1913 Webster]
              Whose constant perseverance overcame
              Whate'er his cruel malice could invent. --Milton.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Discrimination. [Obs.] --Sir J. Harrington.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. (Theol.) Continuance in a state of grace until it is
        succeeded by a state of glory; sometimes called {final
        perseverance}, and {the perseverance of the saints}. See
        [1913 Webster]
     Syn: Persistence; steadfastness; constancy; steadiness;
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: persistent determination [syn: {doggedness}, {persistence},
            {persistency}, {tenacity}, {tenaciousness}, {pertinacity}]
       2: the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or
          repeating behavior; "his perseveration continued to the
          point where it was no longer appropriate" [syn: {persistence},

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  114 Moby Thesaurus words for "perseverance":
     acceptance, assiduity, balkiness, bigotry, bullheadedness,
     commitment, continualness, continuance, continuation, continuity,
     decidedness, decision, decisiveness, dedication, definiteness,
     determinateness, determination, determinedness, devotion,
     diligence, doggedness, dogmatism, earnestness, endurance,
     extension, fanaticism, firmness, fixed mind, forbearance,
     forbearing, forbearingness, fortitude, grit, guts, hardheadedness,
     headstrongness, indefatigability, indulgence, inflexibility,
     inflexible will, intolerance, lengthening, lenience, leniency,
     long-sufferance, long-suffering, longanimity, maintenance,
     mulishness, obduracy, obdurateness, obstinacy, obstinateness,
     opinionatedness, overzealousness, patience, patience of Job,
     patientness, perpetuation, persistence, pertinacity, pigheadedness,
     pluck, progress, progression, prolongation, protraction, purpose,
     purposefulness, pursuance, relentlessness, repetition,
     resoluteness, resolution, resolve, resolvedness, restiveness, run,
     sedulousness, self-control, self-will, seriousness, sincerity,
     single-mindedness, stamina, staying power, steadfastness,
     stiff neck, stiff-neckedness, stoicism, straight course,
     strongheadness, stubbornness, sufferance, sulkiness, sullenness,
     sustained action, sustenance, sweet reasonableness, tenaciousness,
     tenacity, tirelessness, tolerance, toleration, total commitment,
     uncooperativeness, uninterrupted course, unregenerateness,
     unremittingness, waiting game, waiting it out, way, will,

From THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993) [devils]:

  PERSEVERANCE, n.  A lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves an
  inglorious success.
      "Persevere, persevere!" cry the homilists all,
      Themselves, day and night, persevering to bawl.
      "Remember the fable of tortoise and hare --
      The one at the goal while the other is -- where?"
      Why, back there in Dreamland, renewing his lease
      Of life, all his muscles preserving the peace,
      The goal and the rival forgotten alike,
      And the long fatigue of the needless hike.
      His spirit a-squat in the grass and the dew
      Of the dogless Land beyond the Stew,
      He sleeps, like a saint in a holy place,
      A winner of all that is good in a race.
                                                            Sukker Uffro

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