Pedal definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Pedal \Pe"dal\ (p[=e]"dal in def 1; 277), a. [L. pedalis, fr.
     pes, pedis, foot. See {Foot}, and cf. {Pew}.]
     1. Of or pertaining to the foot, or to feet, literally or
        figuratively; specifically (Zool.), pertaining to the foot
        of a mollusk; as, the pedal ganglion.
        [1913 Webster]

     2. (p[e^]d"al) Of or pertaining to a pedal; having pedals.
        [1913 Webster]
     {Pedal curve} or {Pedal surface} (Geom.), the curve or
        surface which is the locus of the feet of perpendiculars
        let fall from a fixed point upon the straight lines
        tangent to a given curve, or upon the planes tangent to a
        given surface.
     {Pedal note} (Mus.), the note which is held or sustained
        through an organ point. See {Organ point}, under {Organ}.
     {Pedal organ} (Mus.), an organ which has pedals or a range of
        keys moved by the feet; that portion of a full organ which
        is played with the feet.
        [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Pedal \Pe"dal\ (p[e^]d"al), n. [Cf. F. p['e]dale, It. pedale.
     See {Pedal}, a.]
     1. (Mech.) A lever or key acted on by the foot, as in the
        pianoforte to raise the dampers, or in the organ to open
        and close certain pipes; a treadle, as in a lathe or a
        [1913 Webster]
     2. (Geom.) A pedal curve or surface.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : of or relating to the feet; "the word for a pedal extremity
             is `foot'"
       n 1: a sustained bass note [syn: {pedal point}]
       2: a lever that is operated with the foot [syn: {treadle}, {foot
          pedal}, {foot lever}]
       v 1: ride a bicycle [syn: {bicycle}, {cycle}, {bike}, {wheel}]
       2: operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument
       [also: {pedalling}, {pedalled}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  82 Moby Thesaurus words for "pedal":
     advance, bar, beam, bicycle, bike, boom, bowl, bunt, bus, butt,
     cant hook, catch a train, chauffeur, choir, claviature, claw bar,
     clawed, console, crank, crow, crowbar, cycle, drive, echo,
     eighty-eight, entrain, fingerboard, footed, forward, go by rail,
     great, handspike, hoofed, impel, iron crow, ivories, jimmy,
     joyride, keyboard, keys, lever, limb, make a train, manual,
     marlinespike, motor, motorcycle, move, organ manual, outrigger,
     peavey, pedals, piano keys, pinch bar, plantar, pole, prize,
     propel, pry, push, ride, ripping bar, roll, row, shove, shunt,
     solo, spar, sweep, sweep along, swell, take a joyride, taloned,
     taxi, thrust, toed, treadle, troll, trundle, ungulate, wheel,
     wrecking bar

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